Mumbai : Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MSRLM) through its notification no. Umed-MSRLM/1778/2019 inviting Project Application for the Project DDU-GKY for the State Maharashtra for the financial year 2019-22.
The condition of applying for the projects are:
1. Targets will be given to only those agencies who have excellent track record in skill development.
2. The agency shall have available ready with infrastructure as per DDU-GKY SOP (Training Center and Residential facilities minimum capacity of 140).
3. Submitting of Due Diligence and ensuring commence the training within 15 days after approval of Due Diligence.
4. Trades will be santioned which have potential employment opportunity.
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Note: MSRLM reserves the rights to accept / reject the proposal and also to award project with modification to the proposal before sanctioning the project.
Interested applicants may submit their project proposal online on or before 20th June 2019 at along with application fee of INR Rs. 25000/- per application drawn in favour of CEO, Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MSRLM), State Bank of India, Account No. 35155678694, IFSC: SBIN0006240, Konkan Bhavan Branch, Ground Floor, South Wing, CIDCO, Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai.
Project “Qualitative Appraisal” fee will be applicable separately to the applicant subject to approval of Initial Screening.
For further clarification please contact the State Mission Manager, Job Placement and skills Development (JP&SD), Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission (MSRLM), 5th Floor, South Wing, CIDCO Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400 614 Ph: 022-257562552 / 54 ,
R. Vimala, IAS
Chief Executive Officer