Tata Technologies to transform technical training, encourage entrepreneurship and innovation through CIIIT, signed MoA with government

New Delhi: Global engineering and product development digital services firm Tata Technologies Ltd (TTL) on Wednesday said it has collaborated with the Manipur government to transform technical training and encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in the state.

The two parties have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) for a period of 3 years for the purpose, Tata Technologies Ltd said in a statement.

Under the collaboration, a Center for Invention, Innovation, Incubation and Training (CIIIT) on industrial experiential learning and development will be established in Manipur.

The total investment under this project is pegged at about Rs 200 crore and the center will be up and running by Q1 FY 23, with the capacity to train 1,500 students every year, the company said.

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“This new CIIIT is expected to bring qualitative improvements in the field of engineering education and will cater to industry requirements of making available job-ready engineers,” it added.

Additionally, TTL said, “this project will improve the availability of advanced skills required across the manufacturing value chain in Manipur thereby incentivising businesses to invest in Manipur and create jobs.”

“We want Manipur to be at the forefront of the technology revolution that is taking place. Through our collaboration with Tata Technologies, we aim to create the best of its kind CIIIT that will empower the youth of Manipur and create better employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for them,” Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh said.

This will also lead to the availability of job-ready engineers which in turn will transform the State of Manipur into a potential investment destination for those industry players who are keen on embracing Industry 4.0 and smart technologies for manufacturing, Singh added.

The center would be spread across approximately 20,000 square feet area and will showcase the latest infrastructure, tools, and technologies around industry 4.0 (digital transformation of manufacturing and production, besides other related sectors and value creation processes), robotics, 3D printing and electric vehicle design, it added.

“Through this collaboration with the government of Manipur, we intend to leverage our product engineering expertise and manufacturing domain knowledge to train and skill future-ready engineers who are capable of innovating the product of the future and be part of the rapidly transforming ecosystem,” Tata Technologies Managing Director and CEO Warren Harris said.

The collaboration is aimed at building a futuristic training ecosystem to implement the best-of-its-kind training infrastructure, curriculum and enable people of Manipur to be at the forefront of the technology revolution that’s happening in the new normal, the statement said.

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