NSDC, CII & GIZ organized Skill Connect Road Show to create awareness about Apprenticeships in Coimbatore

Coimbatore : National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) organized Road Show Coimbatore to create awareness about Apprenticeships in India.

Mr Shah Jahan, Joint Director, RDAT Chennai, appealed the participating industry associations and the companies to register themselves as a Basic Training Provider (BTP), design their own courses and hire apprentices from various sources including Government Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs).

Mr Surajit Roy, Director, Apprenticeship, NSDC, explained the reforms under the revised operational framework for Apprenticeship Training. The benefits of the new, industry-driven Apprenticeship framework, which has included service sector under the Act was explained. NSDC also conducted a live tour of the Apprenticeship Training Portal to enhance the understanding amongst the participants.

CII presented its 360-degree assistance in the Indian ecosystem and GIZ introduced the Indo-German Programme for Vocational Education and Training and the experiences made by the project in creating a systematic change by encouraging industry associations to become ‘professional skill development service provider’ for its member companies.

Mr C R Swaminathan, Past Chairman, CII Souther region, responding to the issue of lack of interest amongst the youth at institutional level, advocated the idea of students pursuing their careers in the area of their interest, leading to positive outcomes including enhanced productivity, job satisfaction and a low attrition rate.

Mr T Narendran, Vice President – Finance and Administration, Aquasub Engineering, praised the state of Apprenticeship in Coimbatore. He informed the participating members that the Apprentices in Coimbatore have been honored in countries like Singapore and Malaysia. Discussing the Centre-State harmonisation, he highlighted the importance of efficient coordination between the Centre and the State and urged the Central Government to actively support the States to encourage participation from the apprentices.

The significance of training in-company trailers, as required under the Apprenticeship Training, was discussed during the workshop. A collective opinion was formed to spread maximum awareness about the Apprenticeship Programme.

By means of interactive session, the participants were invited to deliberate on the new and upcoming job roles which might be required by the member companies in the near future, and their likely requirement of the apprentices for the same.

CODISSIA (Coimbatore District Small Scale Industries Association) and ITF (Indian Texpreneurs Federation) committed their roles in leading apprenticeship training for their roles.The participating companies shared the job roles with the corresponding apprentices they intend to contract.

The workshop ended on a positive note with expectations of enhanced engagement by all the stakeholders in promoting Apprenticeship Programme.