EOI invited from CSDCI affiliated Training Providers to skill train Rural Masons under PMAY-G

PMAY-G aims to provide a pucca house with basic amenities to all houseless and households living in kutcha and dilapidated houses by 2022 and ensure the construction of quality houses. The house shall be constructed or got constructed by the beneficiary himself/ herself under PMAY-G. All districts’ house-cum-training sites shall be made available for training of Rural Masons by the district authority. The number of house-cum-training sites may be increased as per requirements.

Scope of Work
The work involves providing largely on-the-job training and facilitating assessment of candidates at selected PMAY-G sites (house-cum-on the job training sites) as per the Rural Mason Qualification Pack approved by National Skill Development Council (NSDC)/ The Training Providers/ Training Institutions may also need to provide necessary reading materials in the local language required for training. The medium of instruction for the training and the reading material shall be in Hindi, preferably in the local dialect. The training course shall be delivered based on an approved building design, contents, and schedule approved by the Beneficiary/competent authority.

The trainers/demonstrators should be qualified (as per MoRD, GoI guidelines for the Rural Mason QP in the construction sector), CSDCI certified, and eligible for imparting training to Rural Masons as per the prescribed QP-NOS. The lead trainers/ supervisors to be deputed shall also be qualified (as per MoRD, GoI guidelines for the Rural Mason QP in the construction sector), CSDCI certified, eligible, and experienced in dealing/handling the similar jobs relevant to the training of Rural Masons and construction of houses. A certificate of the same must be produced by the TP in their proposals.

The Training module for the Rural Mason Qualification pack is for an estimated training duration of 9 person-days considering 8 hours of work per day. At each house-cum-training site 5 selected trainees (semi-skilled persons) from the rural area shall be given training by an exclusive qualified certified trainer (as stated above) along with a supervisor who may be deputed for not more than 3 such training sites.

The training shall involve an on-the-job/practical component (approximately 80%) and theory (approximately 20%) with all the necessary tools and methods appropriate to the context.

Eligibility Criteria for Training Providers/Training Institutions
The Training Providers/Training Institutions should meet the following basic criteria:

  1. The Training Providers/Training Institutions should be registered entities accredited & affiliated by CSDCI.
  2. The Training Providers/Training Institutions should have completed projects of similar nature during the last 3 years i.e. FY 2018-189 to 2020-21.
  3. The Training Providers/Training Institutions should have duly allotted PAN/ TAN / GST etc. 

The Project Proposal must clearly specify the number of qualified, certified trainers/demonstrators as well as supervisors/ lead trainers available for deployment for the said training. Expression of interest must also include a tentative list of districts/blocks where the agency has a verifiable presence for ease of work.

The Training Providers/Training Institutions should intimate their interest by submitting a detailed project proposal along with the following documents:

  1. Proof of legal status/registration of the agency along with PAN/ TAN/ Service Tax registration etc.
  2. At least 3 years of experience of having undertaken similar work verifiable through work orders.
  3. Certificate of Accreditation with CSDCI valid at current affiliation.
  4. Resume note of the qualified eligible experienced trainers/demonstrator Raj mistris/Supervisors/ Lead trainers available for deployment for the said training along with their registration ID, certificate of training as trainers for Rural Masons, and qualifications.
  5. Trained more than 1000 candidates in the construction sector.
  6. Deployment plan indicating details.
  7. The cost of the EoI is Rs. 5,000/- (Rupee Five thousand only) to be submitted vide Demand Draft in the name of Executive Director, UIRD&PR Rudrapur which would be non-refundable.

The proposal may be submitted to Executive Director, UIRD&PR Rudrapur along with all supporting documents. The Envelop should clearly mention “Project Proposal for Providing Training for Rural Masons”. The Training Providers/Training Institutions representative will also have to appear in person or through authorized representative [s) for a detailed discussion & presentation when invited.

Last date for submission of proposal: 26 April 2022, 01:00 PM (1300 hours)

Note: Modifications, amendments, corrigenda, etc., if any, shall be made available on the aforementioned website only. The Issuer reserves all rights to reject any or all proposal (s) without assigning reason thereof.