Request for EOI towards hiring of consulting services for Skill Gap Study in Jharkhand


Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society under the edges of Rural Development Department is working towards eradication of rural poverty. The society is developed itself as a special purpose vehicle delivering government program in very effective manner. Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) is Nodal livelihood promotion agency in the state of Jharkhand working across by and large all 264 blocks and 24 districts promoting integrated rural poverty alleviation, livelihood enhancement and skilling through multiple, multimodal and convergent approaches through funding from National flagship schemes like NRLM, MKSP, DDU-GKY, Startup Rural Village Entrepreneurship and through various state schemes like State Innovation fund, Sanjivani, Social Audit, Sansad Adarsha Gram Yojana, Model Village, etc. Apart from these scheme/project, JSLPS is also to implement the JOHAR and JICA project in the State for certain duration. JSLPS facilitates these multiple interventions through community institution structures including SHGs, VOs, CLFs supported by various cadres of community’s resource persons for supporting and developing community institutions.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include hiringof an agency for undertakingthe CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR “SKILL GAP STUDY” IN JHARKHAND’for JSLPS for a period of 06 months subject to extension of further period based on the requirement and performance. The details of the proposed services arementioned in the draft Terms of Reference.

Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS), now invites eligible consulting agencies to indicate their interest for providing the services. Interested agenciesshould provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services.

The short-listing criteria are as follows.

  1. The agency should have an independent legal existence, registered under the applicable Act. [Submit proof of Registration Certificate, Articles and Memorandum of Association etc.].
  2. The agency should have minimum 3(three) years of experience in the relevant field of study.
  3. The agency should have a minimum average annual turnover of Rs. 2.00 crore or more during last three financial years and preferably have a positive net worth. [Relevant documentsviz, audited financial statements and a certificate from Charted Accountant in support of satisfying the criteria should be submitted].
  4. The agency should have prior experience and have successfully completed at least 2 similar assignments, in the last 5 years, in sectors specific to that of the proposed assignment. Experience in Government sector especially related to livelihoods sector projects and having a working experience in Jharkhand is preferred.
  5. The agency should have a well-qualified and sufficiently experienced team, in house, or should be in a position to commit about their own network/association. Interested agencies may submit their application expressing interest in the prescribed Performa annexed herewith [Annexure A] in sealed envelope with each page of the application signed by an authorised signatory, including the pages comprising the annexure.

The attention of interestedagencies is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011) (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: conflict between consulting activities and procurement of goods, works or non-consulting services; conflict among consulting assignments; and relationship with Borrower’s staff.
The Consultants may associate with other agencies in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications. The submission should clearly indicate the type of association whether a joint venture (JV) or sub consultancy. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines. Click Here To View Complete Document

Last Date for submission of REoI: 21 December 2021, 15:30 hours (03:30 PM)

The Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below by person or through postal/courier services.

The Chief Executive Officer,
Jharkhand State Livelihoods Promotion Society
2nd Floor, JSAMB Building, Itki Road Hehal, Ranchi-834005
Phone No. 0651-2951915/2951916