EOI Invited From VTPs For Vocational Education in Schools of Odisha

Odisha School Education Programme Authority (OSEPA) invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from interested & qualified entities for Implementation of Vocational Education program in1543 Schools (1061 existing Schools + 311 new schools + 171 PM SHRI Schools) comprising of 15 sectors/trades approved for the year 2024-25 under Samagra Shiksha & PM SHRI.

The Government of India had brought out a Vocationalization of School Education (VSE) under “Samagra
Shiksha‟/PM SHRI by integrating employability education into School Education. The scheme is operated within the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF), earlier called NVEQF, which establishes a system of clear educational pathways from school to higher education while providing certification of vocational skills. Government of India has sanctioned 1543 Schools for Odisha.

The project will be implemented at 1543 Government schools in ODISHA with the goal to make students employable when they complete senior secondary education. The schools have already been identified and approved in AWP&B 2024-25. The Project will adopt new curriculum, course content and pedagogy, hire and train qualified vocational teachers, introduce the program in schools, monitor and evaluate its progress, etc.as per the guidelines and norms of Ministry of Education (MoE),GOI. The curriculum, teacher handbook, student handbook are already developed by PSSCIVE (PSS Central Institute for Vocational Education, Bhopal), based on the relevant Qualification Packs / National Occupational Standards of respective Sector Skill Council.

Scope of Work: 

The Vocational Training Partner (VTP) will be responsible for providing the following in the proposed programme covering1543 Schools.

Role of Vocational Training Partner (VTP)

  • Provide qualified resource persons including Vocational Trainer (VT), Vocational Coordinator (VC),
    etc. as per requirement of the Project.
  • Ensure that the role given to the VT & VC are performed as per the ToR.
  • Depute additional Vocational Trainer in the cases of Leave, resignation of the existing vocational trainer in immediate basis
  • The qualifications of the Vocational Trainer should be as per norms prescribed by PSSCIVE, Bhopal / State, as provided below.
  • Understand the Curriculum and Course content prepared by PSSCIVE and ensure its delivery through its vocational Trainer, within stipulated time and meet the quality parameters
  • VTP shall provide support for Career Counseling and guidance support, Internship, Apprenticeship, Job Fair, Placement drive Support, entrepreneurial incubation support through its
    existing network and expertise.
  • VTP shall maintain the database of the students and the Programme and shall provide the same as and when required by the State in prescribed format. Along with it they shall submit monthly progress report, quarterly progress report and annual report with quality photograph, video, testimonial and case studies by engaging professionals as per the requirement
  • VTP shall map and provide opportunities to students for exposure visit, competitions, workshops and activities related to vocational education to enhance their quality learning
  • VTP shall work as a knowledge partner and shall render its service to popularize the vocational education at different level as and when required by the State
  • To provide one Vocational Coordinator (VC) for 30 -35 schools as per the guideline issued by OSEPA
  • Vocational Training Partners shall provide one day refresher training to VCs and VTs related to trade and recent developments in each year as per the training provision of OSEPA and submit detailed report of the capacity building of Vocational Trainers conducted by the organization as well as avail certified master trainers for the Induction and In-service training organized by OSEPA.
  • To ensure that Child Protection & Rights policy is in place in the organization as per state government norms and also to orient Vocational Coordinator and Vocational Trainer on the same at the time of hiring thereby enabling a conducive environment for the students. All Vocational Coordinators and Vocational Trainers must sign a declaration form at the time of joining. The Vocational Training partner must enclose the child protection and rights policy along with their EOI. The vocational training partner must also form an internal sexual harassment committee
  • VTP shall ensure in no case any of its staff including VT, VC and State Head shall be engaged in any activities which shall be benefit them financially and impacting the programme
  • The OSEPA may ask the VTP to make payment to the students / VTs/ Resource Person/Coordinators on behalf of the OSEPA for any academic related activity and the same will be reimbursed on an actual basis without any management and monitoring expenses/charges
  • OSEPA may ask to complete / perform any academic related task / activity to the Vocational Trainers / Resource Persons through the VTP which will have to be completed within the given time frame.
  • The VTP will prepare and submit the annual plan for the upcoming academic session by first week of January of every academic year.
  • The selected VTP shall be responsible for compliance of all statutory provisions of relevant Act / Rules of Government relating to labor and employment in respect of the persons deployed by them. OSEPA shall have no liabilities in this regard.
  • The selected VTP shall also be liable for depositing all taxes, charges , duties, levies, cess, etc. on account of service rendered by them to the OSEPA to the concerned Statutory Authorities within stipulated time, as per the prevailing Rules and Regulations in the matter.
  • The selected VTP shall maintain all statutory registers under the law and shall produce the same on demand, to the Authority of the OSEPA or any other Authority under law.
  • The tax deduction at source (T.D.S),shall be done as per prevailing provisions of Income Tax & GST ,if applicable.
  • In case the selected VTP fails to comply with any liability under appropriate law and as result thereof, OSEPA, is put to any loss/obligation, monetary or otherwise, OSEPA will be entailed to get itself reimbursed out of the outstanding bills or the performance security deposit of the selected VTP to the extent to the loss or obligation in monetary terms.
  • OSEPA will have no liability towards non-payment of remuneration to the person employed by the selected VTP and the outstanding statutory dues of the selected VTP to the statutory Authorities. If any loss or damage is caused to the OSEPA concerned by the person deployed, the same will be recovered from the unpaid bills or adjusted from the Performance Security deposit received from the selected VTP.

Mode of Submission: Offline

Last Date For Submission: 12 February 2025, 05:00 PM