Proposals invited for empanelment of partners for overseas demand sourcing, mobility facilitation of Indian workforce

NSDC International Limited (“NSDC International”) was incorporated on October 29, 2021 as a 100% (hundred percent) subsidiary of National Skill Development Corporation (“NSDC”) to drive the vision of positioning India as preferred source for the supply of skilled workforce across globe.

NSDC is a not-for-profit public limited company incorporated under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 (corresponding to section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013). NSDC was set up by Ministry of Finance as Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. NSDC is one of its kind, Public Private Partnership in India. It aims to promote skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality, for-profit vocational institutions. It provides funding to build scalable, for-profit vocational training initiatives. Its mandate is also to enable support systems such as quality assurance, information systems and train the trainer academies either directly or through partnerships and setting up Sector Skill Councils. 

Skill India Mission to make India the Skill capital of the World:
India is a young nation with 65% of its population below the age of 35 years. This demographic dividend presents an opportunity that can be leveraged to create a high-quality skilled workforce for overseas markets, which are experiencing skilled labour shortage.

NSDC commissioned the ‘Global Skill Gap Study’ in 2019, which identifies the nations that would face workforce shortages in the foreseeable future and maps out the corresponding opportunities for the Indian workforce. As per the study, sectoral demand for Indian migrants include:

  1. Gulf Cooperation Council (“GCC”) countries: In United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and Qatar demand shall be approx. 2.63 million (in next 5 years) across major sectors such as Construction (1.17 million), Wholesale & Retail Trade (0.42 million), Real estate and rental & business services (0.28 million) etc.
  2. Europe: In Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom (UK), Sweden & Switzerland demand shall be approx. 0.30 million by 2030 across major sectors such as Health & Social Care (0.11 million), Manufacturing (0.05 million) etc.
  3. Countries with mature migration system: In Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America (USA), Japan & Malaysia demand shall be approx. 0.95 million (in next 5 years) across major sectors such as Health Care and Social Assistance (0.22 million), construction (0.10 million) etc.

Considering the ever-increasing employers’ demands for skilled manpower from many overseas countries, NSDC through NSDC International is attempting to cater to this segment by assessing the demand for skilled manpower from various countries in different sectors, and supply skilled manpower, after providing them with appropriate skill training, through NSDC affiliated training partners, to address the specific job profiles. 

In order to cater to the demand for overseas employment of skilled workforce from India, few enabling systems are in place. Existing players such as recruitment agents have been catering to the global demand to some extent. However, there are certain delivery challenges such as availability of trained and certified candidates, credibility in the value chain, higher training costs incurred to train candidates for overseas placement, informal migration practices etc. 

NSDC International has a mandate to create enabling systems and steering national and international partnerships for overseas employment through specific programs, mapped to global job requirements and benchmarked to international standards. It necessitates mapping of opportunities for Indian workforce in the destination market. In order to achieve its vision, NSDC International has identified recruitment as one of the strategic areas to promote overseas mobility of skilled candidates from India.

Under this strategic area, focus shall be on aggregation of overseas demand in collaboration with the identified partners operating in the destination countries. The aggregated demand will be then ser viced through supply of skilled candidates from India in close collaboration with the identified implementing partners.

Hence, there seems a need to collaborate with the overseas partners in order to formalize the existing migration systems and provide credibility in the value chain for the players in India and destination countries. Accordingly, a collaboration is envisioned between NSDC International and the recruitment/ placement agencies with the following objectives:

  • Bridging global demand-supply gap by creation of network of credible partners.
  • Establishing Skill India International as a brand and position India as preferred global source for supply of skilled workforce in the destination countries.

To achieve the aforesaid objectives, NSDC International is inviting expression of interest from the entities that fulfil the eligibility criteria as mentioned in this REOI at Annexure-I (Eligibility Criteria) and empanel entities (“Empaneled Partners”) on exclusive basis for overseas workforce mobility of the Indian workforce according to the Terms of Reference mentioned in this REOI at Annexure-II (Terms of Reference). 

NSDC International shall subject to other terms, provide exclusive rights to an Empaneled Partner for one or more country and/ or sector based on the Business Plan (as detailed in Annexure-II) inclusive of survey report and other relevant documents (“Proposal”) submitted by such Empaneled Partner and other relevant factors. Applicants (hereinafter defined), through their Proposal shall be required to provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to fulfil the said objective of NSDC International. 

The entity who fulfils the eligibility criteria and are interested in submitting the Proposal as per Terms of Reference (“Applicant”), may submit the Proposal in the prescribed format under Annexure-III, along with relevant documents on or before last date and time of submission, mentioned hereinbelow. 

Date:08th July 2022
Corrigendum No 3 to: REOI/NSDCI/2022/014 “Empanelment of Partners for Overseas Demand Sourcing, Aggregation and Mobility Facilitation of The Indian Workforce”
With reference to the captioned subject matter, NSDCI has issued Corrigendum to the REoI document,
detail is as under:

S.No.Existing ClauseTo be read as
1On page 5 under the heading ‘Important Dates’, the row ‘Last Date and Time of Receipts of Proposal’ stands deleted;Last Date and Time of Receipts of Technical and Financial Proposal 21st July 2022, 4:00 pm
2Application FeesApplication fee of Rs. 10 lacs would be adjusted with the future revenue
3Joint VentureJoint Venture would be linked with the performance of the selected partner
4RA licenseCorporate entities with RA license could only apply for the REOI
5ConsortiumThe RAs could bid in consortium