RFP invited to conduct Skill Gap and Youth Aspiration Mapping Study in Bihar

Principal Secretary, Dept. of Labour Resources, Govt. of Bihar-cum-CEO, Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM), invites proposals RFP (Two Bid System) from reputed and experienced Agencies for conducting “Sectoral Skill Gap and Youth Aspiration Mapping Study” in all 38 Districts of Bihar and the Job Market Study


Developing a research base is one of the critical activities of an organization in order to prepare and plan the strategies for an efficient skilling ecosystem. BSDM intends to conduct studies to understand the geographical / sector-wise skill requirements, understand the As-Is situation on account of Supply-side & Demand side aspects, identify prevalent or potential gaps to formulate a strategy to plug the gaps and on various other subjects that can influence and enable skilling ecosystem in Bihar. BSDM would like to hire an Agency/consultant to undertake a study to estimate the Skilling requirements and Skill Gaps in the workforce and Youth Aspiration Mapping Study” in all 38 Districts of Bihar (along with a state-wide comprehensive picture) from 2023 to 2033 with an outcome in the form of correct skilling interventions, Strategization for assisting the eventual livelihood generation and skill development of local communities including informal/unorganized sector within the state. This initiative will be implemented under “The Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) Program which has been launched by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Development, Government of India through the Bihar Skill Development Mission.

Scope of Work:

Given this background, the primary goal of this study is to understand different aspects and identify gaps across the skill development ecosystem, youth aspiration, and skilling requirements at a district level and State level within the state of Bihar over the period 2023-2033 in terms of:

1. Demand Side Analysis
2. Supply Side Analysis
3. Outcome of the Study

Key Deliverables and Timeline:

  • Inception report: (Within 60 days of receipt of Work Order/ Project Commencement Order). Detailing the methodology including the main research methods, the sampling framework, proposed sources of data, procedures for data collection and analysis, and a draft but detailed table of contents. The proposed research tools will be discussed and approved by the competent authority of BSDM & DSC (during the kick-off meeting) before data collection commences.
  • First Interim Report: (At the end of 4th month) – incorporating suggestions and recommendations from competent authority & District Skill Committee.
  • Second Interim Report: (At the end of 6th month) – incorporating suggestions and recommendations from competent authority & District Skill Committee. A second round of revision may be required before the final version of the Final Report can be produced.
  • The final report at the end of 7th month after incorporating suggestions and recommendations from
    competent authority & District Skill Committee (one electronic copy in PDF Format and one in DOC
  •  An electronic copy of all data collection tools and the job market study data set.
  • A final presentation of the overall findings to the competent authority for validation (at the closure of the project).

Last date for submission: 05 September 2023, 1500 hours IST

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