Request for Proposal for Selection of Agency(s) for conducting “Annual Scheme Effectiveness Assessment of Skill Development Programmes in Chhattisgarh”

In Chhattisgarh State of India, the main implementing agency for skill development programme is Chhattisgarh State Skill Development Authority, Raipur, commonly known as CSSDA, a Government organisatlon established in 17 September 2013. CSSDA is engaged in implementing Mukhya Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (MMKVY), which is fully funded scheme of Government of Chhattisgarh and another scheme is Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna- Centrally Sponsored State Mana8ed (PMKVY-CSSM), which is funded by Central Government but administrative management is at the end of state.

Mukhya Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yoina (MMKVY): MMKVY scheme of short term skill training programme is being implemented in the state since 2 May,2012 for providing benefits to the youth of Chhattisgarh.

This RFP seeks the services of suitable organisations / agencies willing to undertake “Annual Scheme Effectiveness Assessment of Skill Development Programmes in Chhattisgarh” and preparation of Block wise, District wise, Sector and Course wise report for perspective plan for next five financial years, i.e.

This document provides information related to the broad requirements enabling the interested organisations / agencies to respond to this RFP, A detailed study and documentation shall be submitted covering all the aspects mentioned in this Scope of Work (SoW) of this RFP.

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Instructions for Submission of Proposal

These instructions should be read in conjunction with information specific to the services contained in the Covering Letter, Data Sheet and accompanying documents:

Proposals must be received before the deadline specified in the Data Sheet of RFP. Proposals should be submitted online through only.
The bid will consist of following:
Technical Proposal containing technical proposal submission forms {Format 1 to 5) as mentioned in Annexure B, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) / Bid Security (refundable) as prescribed in Annexure A and Checklist as per Annexure D.
Financial Proposal in the prescribed format as mentioned in Annexure C.
The Bids should be duly filled and signed.

For complete information, refer RFP Document (Click Here to View)


With reference to Corrigendum 2 ( regarding this RFP [No. CSSDA/RFP/3191] Annual Scheme Effectiveness Assessment of Skill Development Programmes in Chhattisgarh issued by the Chhattisgarh State Skill Development Authority (CSSDA), due to prevailing lockdown conditions due to COVID-19 pandemic in various State, all prospective Bidders are hereby informed that the CSSDA has extended the last date of bid submission for RFP as follows

Bid submission closing date: 30.04.2021 at 04:00 PM
Bid opening date : 05.05.2021 at 03:00 PM
Opening of Financial Bids : Date may be informed to the technically successful bidders separately

Do you know that  SKILL REPORTER  updates are very relevant especially for Policy Makers, Education Sector Professionals, Social Workers, CSR Experts and people engaged into businesses dealing with Education Sector? Click here to follow SKILL REPORTER  on Facebook