Request for Proposal for Selection of Agency to Conduct “Skill Gap Analysis” in Goa

Goa Skill Development Mission (GSDM) ( is the nodal agency in the State of Goa to ensure organization of skill training programs for the rural and urban poor/ unemployed youth through nationally accredited training partners. It integrates the efforts of various Departments and public and private stakeholders engaged in skilling the youth of the State, through numerous skill development schemes such as PMKVY, STRIVE, SANKALP etc. and brings necessary scale, synergy, oversight and
effective coordination in their implementation.

Rationale for the study

To guide the implementation activities under Goa Skill Development Mission (GSDM), there is need to ascertain the demand and supply gap in skilling space across both the Districts of Goa. There is a need to foresee the projected Job requirements/ sectorial demand both in manufacturing and service sector in the next five years, in the State of Goa.

In view of this, Goa Skill Development Mission invites detailed proposal from eligible entities to undertake the study titled “SKILL GAP ANALYSIS.” It is recognized that the skill gap is the interplay of industry demand, supply through public, private & nonformal / informal channels, labor force participation, aspiration and employability of both new entrant and existing but unskilled/semiskilled workforce.

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Therefore, the proposed skill gap study would conduct in-depth research, analysis & inquiry into above
mentioned areas. The study would also come out with recommendations which must be specific and actionable.

Goa Skill Development Mission is considering conducting of skill gap analysis in both Districts of Goa namely, North Goa District and South Goa District.

Bidders who are interested in undertaking the assignments may submit their proposal for both the Districts for skill gap analysis through online mode

General Eligibility/Prequalification Criteria

1) The agency should be a legal Indian Entity (Individual Proprietorship, Partnership, Company, Society, and Trust) incorporated/ registered/ recognized, under the respective applicable laws eligible to enter an agreement/contract with the Goa Skill Development Mission to undertake the work. Relevant documents of registration to be attached along-with the proposal.
2) The agency must be having previous experience of providing services for at least 5 years in Academic / Social / Statistical Research/Study/Analysis Work. (Work orders along with financial receipts/Completion Certificates to be enclosed).
3) The Bidder should be familiar with Goan Industries and Academic activities and should have a registered office in Goa. (Necessary document to be provided)
4) The agency must have previous experience in similar field for a Skill Development Mission/Center of Excellence Setup/Training Lab Setup etc.
5) Should have advisory assignments in Skill Development Projects/MoU with colleges for manpower development with any State/Central / Agencies / International Social Clubs in Goa.
6) Experience of working on the projects in India that have central planning/funding with State level implementation with a project value of more than 3 crores. Completion certificate of at least one such project should be provided.
7) The agency should not be blacklisted by any of the Central/State Government Departments/PSUs as per 10.2 (FORMAT-2)
8) The agency should have adequate professional employees and preferably an experience of working with Government/social sector projects to execute the study. (Certificate from HR head of the Bidder/ Organization to be enclosed)
9) An EMD of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) shall be paid through epayment mode on E-Procurement Portal
10) Hand delivered application forms will not be accepted in any case. Last date for submission of online proposal :- 15/11/2021 up to 15:00 hrs
11) Application and the supporting documents should be a complete document and must duly be signed by authorized signatory.
12) An affidavit- cum- declaration needs to be provided to the effect that the entire information submitted is correct.
13) A covering letter must be attached with the proposal.
14) The offers found suitable in prequalification, technically and shortlisted based on the conditions will be considered for opening of Financial Bid and same will be uploaded on The decision of short listing of Technical Bid by GSDM, Panaji – Goa will be final and binding on all. (Financial
Bids detail).

For complete details, refer RFP Document (Click Here to View / Download)

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Note- Only those bidders who have passed the Prequalification Eligibility Criteria will be eligible for Technical Evaluation.