Notice Inviting Request for Proposal (RFP) for “Engagement of Technical Consultancy (TC) Firm to Provide Procurement services for SVSU

Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Haryana is a State university established under Act 25 of 2016. The objective to establish this skill University is to facilitate and promote skill, entrepreneurship development, skill based education and research in the emerging areas of manufacturing, information technology, textile, design, logistics and transportation, automation, agriculture, maintenance, etc. and to raise skill level in various fields related to these areas.

The Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Haryana now invites online proposals to provide the” Engagement of Technical Consultancy (TC) Firm to Provide Procurement services for SVSU” Further details of the services requested are provided in the Terms of Reference (TOR) at Annexure D.

a. All information contained in this proposal should be treated as commercially confidential and you are required to limit dissemination on a need-to-know basis.
b. A firm shall be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS 80:20)  and procedures described in this RFP, in accordance with the procurement guidelines of the Govt.of Haryana.

Refer SkillReporter ( for skill development and The Edupress ( ) for education related important News, Tenders, RFP, Jobs, EOI, Events, Announcements, Circulars, Notices and other useful updates. Content also shared on Facebook Twitter Linkedin

c. The RFP includes the following documents:

i. Clause 5.1: Letter of Invitation
ii. Annexure A: Bid Data Sheet/Data Sheet.
iii. Annexure B: Technical Proposal Submission Forms (Tech-8.1 to Tech-8.9)
iv. Annexure C: Financial Proposal (Only Online Submission).
v. Annexure D: Terms of Reference (TOR).
vi. Annexure E: Standard Contract Document.
vii. Annexure F: Self-Assessment of Eligibility.
viii. Annexure G: Self-Assessment of Technical Evaluation.

d. Please note that while all the information and data regarding this RFP is, to the best of the Client’s knowledge, accurate within the considerations of scope of the proposed contract, the Client holds no responsibility for the accuracy of this information and it is the responsibility of the Consultant to check the validity of data included in this document. Firms intending to submit bids and seek any clarifications should inform the Client’s representative in writing or electronically not later than the date indicated for submission of clarifications in BDS.
e. Proposals will be evaluated technically and the financial bids of the qualifying firms will be opened following the QCBS procedure.

For complete details, eligibility criteria and application format, refer RFP Document (Click Here for FREE download)


1. Online Tender Purchase End Date 30/04/2020 Up to 14:00 Hrs.
2. Online proposal Submission Start Date 14/04/2020 at 14:00 Hrs.
3. Online proposal Submission End Date 30/04/2020 Up to 14:00 Hrs.
4. Opening of Technical Bid 05/05/2020 at 14:00 Hrs.
5. Technical Presentation Subsequent date to be informed later.
6. Financial Bid Subsequent date to be informed later.

Address of Communication

Shri Vishwakarma Skill University,
Plot 147, Sector 44, Gurugram Haryana
Contact Phone Numbers 0124-2746800
E-mail Address

Refer SkillReporter ( for skill development and The Edupress ( ) for education related important News, Tenders, RFP, Jobs, EOI, Events, Announcements, Circulars, Notices and other useful updates. Content also shared on Facebook Twitter Linkedin