PSDM, Govt. of Punjab invites Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Private Training Partners for Setting up, Operations and Maintenance of Health Sector Skill Development Centre

Punjab Skill Development Mission (“PSDM” or the “Authority”) intends to setup Health Sector Skill Development Centre (HSSDC) with placement facility at Patiala (the “Project”) through Public Private Partnership (PPP) format.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the selection of Private Training Partner for the set up, operation and maintenance of the Project through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode for a Concession Period of 5 (five ) years.

An Agreement will be drawn up amongst the “Authority” and the Selected Bidder/ Concessionaire on PPP basis (the “Concession Agreement”).

The Authority has adopted single stage two-step process (referred to as the “Bidding Process”) for selection of the Bidder for award of the Project. All Bidders shall submit their Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal against this RFP (“the Bidder”). The first step of the process involves qualification of the interested parties on the basis of the Technical Proposal submitted by the Bidders in accordance with the provisions of RFP. On the basis of Technical Evaluation, the Authority shall shortlist technically qualified Bidders. In the second step of the process, Financial Proposal of only these shortlisted Bidders shall be opened and evaluated for identification of the Selected Bidder.

The RFP contains information about the Project, Bid Evaluation Process, Proposal Submission details and qualification requirements. All proposals would be evaluated in terms of Technical and Financial capability of the Bidder. Click Here to download Free Version of RFP for more information

The RFP is released to the shortlisted bidders by PSDM. The bidders may obtain the hard copy of the RFP document from the address given below between 10:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs IST by a written request clearly stating “Request for Proposal for Selection of Private Training Partner for Setting up, Operations and Maintenance of Health Sector Skill Development Centre (HSSDC) with placement facility at Patiala, Punjab under PPP format” and on submission of a non-refundable Bid Document Fee of INR 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) by way of a crossed demand draft drawn in favour of “Punjab Skill Development Mission”, payable on any scheduled bank in Chandigarh.

Address for obtaining the RFP document:

Member Secretary
Punjab Skill Development Mission (PSDM)
SCO No. 149-152, Second Floor
Sector 17-C, Chandigarh
Telephone Number (Office): 0172-2720153

The Proposals (i.e. consisting of both Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal) must be received no later than 1500 hrs (hard copy submission) on 15. 12. 2018 in the manner specified in the RFP document at the address given below:

Member Secretary
Punjab Skill Development Mission (PSDM)
SCO No. 149-152, Second Floor
Sector 17-C, Chandigarh
Telephone Number (Office): 0172-2720153

The Authority shall not be responsible for any delay in receiving of the Proposals and reserves the right to reject/accept any or all Proposals without assigning any reason thereof.

Any queries or request for additional information concerning this RFP shall be submitted in writing or by fax and e-mail at the above address. The envelopes/communication shall clearly bear the following identification/ title: “Queries/Request for Additional Information: RFP for Selection of Private Training Operator for Setting up, Operation and Maintenance of Health Sector Skill Development Centre (HSSDC) with placement facility at Patiala, Punjab”

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