RFP invited from eligible agencies to provide livelihood and skills training in Puducherry

Puducherry Smart City Development Limited (PSCDL), Puducherry is inviting Technical Proposals and Financial Bid for Hiring an Agency / Organization/ Institute located in Puducherry and neighboring districts (duly registered /established in India under relevant acts and rules) in the competitive bidding process (Two bid- Technical Proposal and Financial Bid) for providing Skill Development Training to the Youth and Women in all the 22 low-income settlements proposed for development under CITIIS Project.

The objective of this RFP is to hire a firm/ organization which is functioning in the domain of livelihood and skill development training. The expected key benefits of this Hiring are as follows:

  1. To provide livelihood and skill development training to the youths and women in the 22 low-income settlements proposed for development under the CITIIS Project.
  2. To assist in creating an enabling environment to attract the needy and most desired trainee by providing an employment-based skill development training program.
  3. To increase the employability of the youth and empower them to take part in the economic growth of Puducherry and India and thereby reduce unemployment, under-employment, poverty, and socio-economic inequality

About Puducherry CITIIS Project:

Our Neighbourhood is Your Neighbourhood Too – A Participatory Planning Approach for Improvement of Low-Income Settlements in Puducherry, was selected from Puducherry UT in the CITIIS (City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and Sustain)program launched by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) in July 2018, with support from Agence Française de Developpement (AFD) and the European Union (EU), and anchored by the Program Management Unit (PMU) at the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) in New Delhi. The Project envisages making Puducherry a Smart and Sustainable City through a combination of interventions aiming at enhancing the physical, social and financial inclusion of low-income settlements in the city.

Purpose of this Skill Development Program

  • The Skill Development Program proposed under the “Our Neighborhood is Your Neighborhood Too‟ Project aims to address the following concerns being faced by the city:
  • The evolution of slum communities being a dynamic one invites new challenges for an organization to analyze and understand the changing needs and demands of the people and thus the involvement of young individuals carrying the potential of offering a fresh insight into the programs allows us to re-analyze the magnitude of the desired social impact which we hope to create from our operations.
  • To improve the socio-economic condition and bring behavioral changes among the residents in low-income settlements, livelihood development initiatives are proposed as a non-area-based component under the Project
  • The livelihood initiatives comprise vocational training and life-coping skill development to be provided to the youth and women folk in the families of low-income settlements.
  • The training will provide employment and promote self-employment of the youth and women, and give their families financial sustainability and self-reliance. This will also reduce the negative engagement of youth in these slum settlements.
  • It is estimated that 400 candidates from low-income families will be benefited from the skill training and entrepreneurship development program.
  • Puducherry region today presents a wide range of activities in the Institutional, Commercial, and Tourism sectors. Growth in such activities, possibilities of absorption in various service sectors, the scope of employment in trade and business activities, etc. have additionally attracted more rural populations to the urban center. It resulted in settlements in and around the main work centers in the city that led to the creation of slums as a consequence of the demand-supply gap in the affordable urban housing market. They occupy vacant/hazardous zones wherever available and live in unhygienic and unsafe living conditions.
  • Slum-Dwellers are often forced to live in the environmentally unsafe areas-coastal zone, flood plains, polluted sites near solid waste dumps, open drains, and sewers. On one hand, the poor environmental conditions increase their vulnerability and lead to poor health that aggravating
    poverty due to loss of income owing to sickness, disease, and increased spending on health care, resulting in depletion of household savings.
  • On the other hand, additionally due to low level of literacy and skills they lack employment opportunities. Unemployment leads to regular quarrels, clashes, and fights in these settlements, making these as well as nearby neighborhoods unsafe for women, school children, and office
    workers. Besides, many of the residents are involved in prostitution, drug trafficking, hijacking, smuggling, etc. These activities threaten the social and cultural environment of the city. In order to address these issues, PSCDL has conducted a study in 29 slum pockets in Puducherry Urban region and identified the need for creating employment/livelihood opportunities for positive engagement of youth and women in the slums, the key insights from the study are as follows:
    • Puducherry’s slum youth accounts for 25% of the total slum population. Owing to a lack of finance, many of the youth remain unskilled. If this potential is tapped into, it can mean great benefit for the youth and their families, and the society as a whole.
    • Most of the youth in the slum areas discontinue their high school education and stand excluded from the mainstream. Most of them have strained relationships with their parents and lead a wayward way of life. It is therefore imperative to connect them back with the mainstream by imparting holistic education.
    • The training received from ITIs and Polytechnic institutes does not impart holistic education and they are not accommodating the school dropouts. There are also upper age barriers to seeking admission to ITIs and Polytechnic institutes. Accordingly, the future of these youths always remains to be a question mark. On the other hand, community colleges address the challenges faced by these youth.
    • Lack of education and hence unemployment among the youth has led to increasing in crime rates, alcohol addiction and drug abuse in the case of boys and early marriage and early motherhood in the case of girls. Employable education will help the youth channel their energies towards productive activities. A holistic education environment that does not stop with learning a trade and focusing on the all-round development of the student and is aimed at making the student a responsible individual, a confident achiever is a need. An institution that plans and conducts vocational courses with an equal focus on building character and competence is vital and probably the only answer to this need.
    • On one hand PSCDL is improving the living conditions in these slums by developing housing for slum dwellers, enhancing the social & community infrastructures, and developing livelihood infrastructures; on the other hand for sustainable maintenance of the community & the assets;
      PSCDL is initiating measures to engage the community members in operations & maintenance of the created assets. PSCDL is envisioning that the Youth and women trained under the Skill Development Program will become a transforming force in their communities and they will be collectively partner in achieving the overall objective of the CITIIS project by inducting the other members in their community, take ownership of sustained maintenance of their respective communities and will continue to participate good governance. PSCDL is intended to hire an agency preferably a community college which can ensure a holistic education environment which nurtures the youth & women in the community through a training methodology that is similar to that of pedagogy, where the agency will be a reliable partner for PSCDL in its efforts to transform the youth potential in the slums in Puducherry into the agent of positive change

The short-listed bidders are invited to submit a proposal in two parts-the Technical part and the financial part sealed separately, as specified in the Data Sheet, for services required for the assignment named in the Data Sheet. Late bids i.e. bids received after the specified date in the data sheet will not be considered. The Proposals submitted will be the basis for signing the contract with the selected bidder.

Revised Last date for submission: 13 June 2022, 05:00 PM (1700 hours)
Revised Opening of Technical Bid: 14 June 2022, 11:00 AM (1100 hours)

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