Chennai : Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency (TNeGA) is responsible for driving all technology initiatives for the Government of Tamil Nadu. Its primary aim is to develop low cost, technology enabled scalable solutions to impact Governance in a significant way. It aims to create an inclusive, equitable, and universally accessible G2C service delivery mechanism for barrier free access to Governance. TNeGA offers IT solutions and consultancy services to Government departments for their technology needs. Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency is functioning under the Information Technology Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.
TNeGA through its Tender Ref No: TNeGA/OT/TNSDC/2019-20 invites Proposal for Selection of System Integrator to develop and maintain Skill management portal for Tamilnadu Skill Development Corporation(TNSDC)
Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation is a non-profit, Section 25 Company under Companies Act in the year 2013 to address the skill gap requirement and to expand the ambit of its functions. Initially, it was formed as Tamil Nadu Skill Development Mission in 2009 and later converted as Society followed by incorporation as a Company under the Companies Act.
Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation is created with the objective to increase skilled manpower in Tamil Nadu so as to fulfill skill needs of industries there by attracting large investments to our State. The Vision 2023 document envisages training and skilling 20 Million persons by 2023. To achieve this objective, Government has taken pro-active measures to enhance the skilled work force in the state both quantitatively and qualitatively, thereby transforming the state into a Skill Hub of the country. This will ultimately attract investment to our state resulting in large scale employment generation benefiting youth.
The vision is to bring in a centralized system of selecting and monitoring skill training courses and Institutions besides tracking the trainees till they get employed. The Government has declared the Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation as a Nodal Agency for entire state in the year 2013. This ensured adopting common standard framework of programmes and fee structures, by which overlapping or duplication of efforts and wastage of resources will be avoided. This declaration helps in creating synergy among different departments engaged in skill development activities.
Date and Place of Pre-Bid meeting : On 20.06.2019 @ 15:00 hrs at the address mentioned in RFP document.
Due Date and Time for Bid Submission : On 03.07.2019@ 17.00 hrs
Date, Time and Place of Opening of Technical Bids : On 04.07. 2019@ 17.00 hrs
Date, Time and Place of Opening of Price Bids : Price Bid opening Date & Time will be communicated to Technically qualified bidders ONLY.
Tender inviting Authority, Designation and Address :
Chief Executive Officer,
Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency,
807, P.T.Lee.ChengalvarayanNaickerMaaligai,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002.
Tel No: +91-44-28521112
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