India is known for its traditions and culture. Minority communities in India are known for their traditional skills, arts & crafts, but due to forces of competitive market and globalization and also due to deteriorating socio-economic condition of master craftsmen/artisans, these skills are not being pursued by the young generation.
Ministry of Minority Affairs is of firm conviction that these arts/ crafts are needed to be preserved especially traditional skills, arts & crafts of the minority communities. USTTAD scheme aims to preserve heritage of traditional arts and crafts of minority communities and build capacity of traditional crafts persons and artisans and establish linkages of traditional skills with the global market.
Ministry of Minority Affairs invites proposals in the prescribed format from the eligible organizations/ institutions for empanelment to undertake training programme under “Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/Craft for Development” (USTTAD) during 2020-21.
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PIAs that have been empanelled under the scheme during 2016-17 and 2018-19 should submit a fresh proposal.
Indicative list of courses is enclosed at Annexure–III. PIA may also propose any other courses/ trades which are in demand and having employment opportunities.
The scheme will be implemented through the following Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs):
i. Registered institutions/ organizations having expertise /experience of implementation of training in Traditional Skills, Arts & Crafts for at least last three years and establish linkages with market for forward and backward linkages of the products/services.
ii. Any industry or an association of industries having Financial Capacity to set-up training infrastructure for implementation of training in traditional arts & crafts, and provide market linkages/ establish linkages with financial institutions for availing concessional loan.
iii. Any institution of Central/State Governments including Universities, Public Sector Undertakings and Training institutes of Central/ State Governments including Panchayati Raj Training institutions having the capacity to conduct such training programmes.
For more details, refer RFP Document (Click Here for FREE Download). Proposals should be submitted online on the USTTAD Portal of MoMA . The last date of submission of online proposal (duly signed Application forms to the Ministry) is 05.02.2021 by 5:00 p.m.
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