Chennai : In line with the Tamil Nadu Vision 2023 and as part of the Tamil Nadu Investment Promotion Programme, the Government of Tamil Nadu intends to setup five “Apex Skill Development Centres (ASDC) for imparting high-end skill training”. One of the five identified sectors included is Hospital and Healthcare Services sector .
As part of this programme, the Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation (TNSDC) intends to select one Lead Implementation Partner (LIP)in each of the five sectors listed above.This ToR pertains to the selection of an LIP for the ASDC in the Hospital and Healthcare Services sector.
The overall plan, as part of this programme is to encourage an LIP to setup an Apex Skill Development Centre (ASDC). The ASDC may also associate with national/ international partners (called Sector Partners – SPs) to setup an interrelated high technology, modular, skilling facility at the ASDC and offer demand driven courses.
The ASDC, to be designed by the LIP, is envisioned to be setup as a State of the Art Centre of Excellence (CoE) in which the LIP brings in their best in class equipment/ tools/ machines/ simulators (commonly referred to as equipment) to be used for training purposes. The ASDC will be located in an existing ITI/ Industrial Estate/ any other appropriate space identified by the ASDC (in discussion with TNSDC). The ASDC can also associate with decentralized centres / spoke centres located at the SPs’ facilities such as manufacturing units for the purpose of training.
The ASDC will be managed professionally by the LIP. The trainees who graduate from the ASDC may also function as Lead Trainers (for future programmes) as it provides them employment and keeps the system dynamic.
The ASDC will run under the overall operational management of the LIP. The LIP will be responsible for devising and implementing a three year rolling plan and ensuring that the ASDC is constantly upgraded and provides a high technology ecosystem for skilling/ up-skilling/ re-skilling/ cross-skilling and multi-skilling. The LIP will be expected to generate revenues at the ASDC which can help offset the overall costs of the ASDC. It is proposed that the ASDC will evolve over its life into a Centre of Excellence (CoE). Therefore, in its business plan, the LIP will be required to suggest initiatives/ activities that will ensure the transition of the ASDC into a CoE.
The modalities of implementation and the role of the LIP have been detailed in the Terms of Reference (Section 4) of this document.
Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation through its RFP No. 2210 / SDC-7 / 2016 invites proposals from eligible firms for “Selection of Lead Implementation Partner (LIP) to set up anApex Skill Development Centre for imparting high-end skill training in the Hospital and Healthcare Services Sector”. TNSDC will execute an MoU with the selected LIP. It is proposed to sign the MoU before January 31, 2019.
Pre-qualification criteria for the Participating Agencies
- Lead Implementation Partner (LIP) should be an entity registered in India under the Companies Act/ LLP Act/ Societies Registration Act or as a Trust. LIP should have been in existence for at least 10 years. In case the LIP does not meet the said criteria, it can still bid if the LIP has been in existence for at least 5 years and at least one of its parent companies has been in existence for at least 10 years.
- LIP should not have been blacklisted by any Government/ Department/ Body.
- If the LIP is leveraging on the credentials of its parent company/ companies, then the parent company/ companies also should not have been blacklisted by any Government/ Department/ Body.
- LIP should have an annual turn-over of at least Rs. 50 Crore in each of the past 3 years.
- In case the LIP is bidding on the credentials of its parent company/ companies (as per Point 2), the annual turn-over of at least one of its parent company should meet the said criteria.
- Minimum initial equity contribution of the LIP for formation of the SPV should be at least Rs. 1.02 Lakhs.
- EMD / Bid Security should be submitted along with RFP in the form of DD for Rs.6 5,000/- in favour of The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation, Guindy, Chennai – 32 and drawn on a Nationalised bank / Scheduled Bank payable at Chennai.
The bidding documents may be downloaded Free of Cost from the website (Click Here to Download) or from and
Interested firms shall submit the RFP in the prescribed format up to 3:00 pm on 7.01.2019 to The Managing Director,Tamil NaduSkill Development Corporation, Guindy, Chennai -32.
The bids shall be submitted to the Office of the Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation in a sealed envelope, with documents as indicated below:
– Proposal and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security (refundable).
Proposals received without Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected.
The duly filled bid in proper format should be submitted in personorsent by courier, registered/ speed post etc., to The Managing Di rector, Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation, Guindy, Chennai -32. Each page of the proposal should be signed by the competent authority of the applicant.
All amendments, time extension, clarifications etc. will be uploaded on the website only and will not be published in newspapers. The bidders should regularly visit the website to keep themselves updated.
For any correspondence, contact at Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation, 1st floor, Integrated Employment Exchange Campus, Alandhur Road, Thiru.Vi.Ka Industrial Estate,Guindy, Chennai-600032. Phone: 044-22500107 E.Mail:
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