RFP invited for empanelment of PIAs to conduct training programme under “Kaushal se Kushalta Scheme for Skill Development”

The National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation (NMDFC) was incorporated on 30th September 1994, as a company not for profit, under Section 25 of the Companies Act 1956 (now Section-8 of Companies Act,2013). It is a National Level Apex Body for the benefit of Minorities as defined under the National Commission for Minorities Act 1992.

The prime mandate of NMDFC is to provide concessional finance to the Minorities for self employment/ income generation activities. As per the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992, the notified Minorities are Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists & Parsis. Subsequently, Jain community was also added into the list of notified Minority Communities in January 2014. Under NMDFC programe, preference is given to Artisans & Women.

The Kaushal Se Kushalta Scheme of NMDFC aims at imparting skills to the targeted individual beneficiaries leading to self/wage employment. The scheme is implemented through the State Channelising Agencies, project implementing agencies which organize need based skill development training in their States with the help of agencies empanelled by NSDC/ related Sector Skill Council/ State Skill Mission/ Directorate of Technical Education. Preferably be accredited through NSDC SMART portal. National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation invite, Expression of Interest (EoI)/proposals for empanelment for imparting skill development/ vocational training for imparting training programmes under its “Kaushal se Kushalta Scheme” from Central/State Govt./UTs organizations, company registered under companies Act, registered societies, registered non Govt. organizations .

The preference will be given to the organizations registered/empanelled with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), State Skill Mission/skill development department of respective State Govt/ UTs/ Niti Aayog.

Eligibility norms for Agencies/Training Institutes:

The scheme will be implemented through the following Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs):

  1. Central/State Govt./UTs organizations, company registered under companies Act, registered societies, registered non Govt. organizations and registered/empanelled with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), State Skill Mission/skill development department of respective State Govt/UTs.
  2. Institutions/organizations should be registered on the portal of NITI Aayog NGO Darpan Portal.
  3. Preference would be given to those organizations having atleast 3 years work experience in skill training have been assessed and verified by any body under Ministry of Skill Development and entrepreneurship with respect to capacity, infrastructure etc. The organizations who have executed work of any skill training under the Central/ State or UT Government, including Public Sector Undertakings/Enterprises, autonomous / subordinate organizations under the Central/ State or UT Government will be given due weightage.

Availability of requisite infrastructure:

The organization should have infrastructure as per the guidelines of the National Skill Development Corporation/ Ministry of Skill Development, Govt. of India for conducting skill development training including presence of qualified trainers. The detailed information pertaining to the Applicant and its existing training infrastructure facilities may be submitted as per Annexure-II.

Physical verification of all infrastructure and facilities will be under taken by NMDFC and the experts (which may include state govt.) co-opted by it prior to any release of funds.

Submission of EOI:

The applicants interested in carrying out the training under “Kaushal Se Kushalta Scheme” should submit the application by post in the prescribed format with all supporting documents to the:
“Assistant General Manager (Skill Development)
Scope Minar, Core-1, 1st Floor
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092”

It may be noted that Proposal should be duly signed by President/ Secretary/ CEO/ Head of Institution/organization or authorized person by the organization. Incomplete proposals will be rejected without any notice. Each PIA must submit a single proposal.

Last Date for submission: 14 February 2022