Proposals invited to setup an Apex Skill Development Centre for training in the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Sector

Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation through its RFP No. 2210 (1) /SDC-4/2016 invites proposals from eligible firms for “Selection of a Lead Implementation Partner (LIP) to set up an Apex Skill Development Centre for imparting high-end skill training in the “Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Sector”. Participating Agencies must fulfill the following pre-requisites:

A Consortium of such entities mentioned in Pre-qualification criteria (2) comprising of one Lead Implementation Partner (LIP) to be nominated by the other members, shall be allowed and shall hereinafter be referred as “Consortium”.

Lead Implementation Partner (LIP) and other members of the consortium should be an entity registered in India under the Companies Act/ LLP Act/ Societies Registration Act or as a Trust.

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 LIP should have been in existence for at least 5 years.

LIP or any of the members of the consortium should not have been blacklisted by any Government/ Department/ Body.

LIP should have an annual turn-over of at least Rs. 100 Crore in each of the past 3  years. In case the LIP does not meet the criteria, at least one of the members of the consortium should meet this criterion.

Initial equity contribution of the LIP for formation of the Apex Skill Development Centre as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) should be Rs. 1.00 crore.

The bidding documents for complete information and application formats may be downloaded free of cost from here (Click Here for FREE Download)

Interested firms shall submit the RFP in the prescribed format up to 3.00 PM on 25.01.2021. The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation, Guindy, Chennai -32. 5. A pre-bid meeting is proposed on 06.01.2021 at 3:00 PM.

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