RFP invited to Set Up PMU for Skill Development in Tripura

The Directorate of Skill Development, Government of Tripura intends to invite interested and eligible agencies for Setting Up Project Management Unit.

Brief of the Organization

The Directorate of Skill Development, Tripura is committed to enhancing the skill sets of the state’s workforce, ensuring alignment with industry requirements, and promoting employment opportunities. Directorate of Skill Development is setup under the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Tripura, to bring more focus and coordination to the skill development initiatives under Tripura Skill Development Mission.

To achieve these objectives efficiently and effectively, it is essential to establish a dedicated Project Management Unit (PMU). This proposal outlines the need, objectives, structure, and operational framework for setting up a PMU under the Directorate of Skill Development, Tripura.

Objective of the Project

The primary objectives of the PMU are:

  • To provide strategic direction and operational support for all skill development initiatives.
  • To ensure efficient planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of skill development programs.
  • To facilitate coordination among various stakeholders, including government departments, educational institutions, industry partners, and trainees.
  • To enhance the effectiveness and reach of skill development schemes through robust project management practices.

Scope of Work

The PMU will provide strategic, technical, and operational assistance to the Directorate of Skill Development and other stakeholders involved in the mission. The specific roles and responsibilities of the PMU are outlined below:

Functional Scope of Work:

  1. Policy Advocacy and Strategic Planning:
    • Policy Recommendations: The PMU will provide policy recommendations to the Department based on data-driven insights and industry trends to support skill development initiatives.
    • Strategic Planning: Assist in strategic planning and the development of long-term roadmaps for the sustainable growth of the skill development ecosystem in Tripura.
  2. Due Diligence: Develop detailed approach, framework & process manual for appraisal of application(s) as per guidelines/SOPs/notifications. Perform an in-depth assessment validating the credentials.
  3. Monitoring & Evaluation
    • Facilitate orientation of new TPs on boarded: The PMU team in consultation with department will coordinate, conduct meetings with all the new training partners or project implementing agencies on-boarded. The following broad-level activities are to be undertaken during the process: Review of MoU between State and Ps/PIAs followed by preparation of compendium of KPl’s/ financials/ geographical commitments, etc. for each partners/implementing agency.
    • Orientation of the new training partners on monitoring processes and associated reporting requirements. Primary focus of discussion could be as follows:
      • Use of MIS for reporting
      • The Training & Placement numbers to be achieved by the Training Partners and the associated timelines as per the agreement.
      • The TPs performance grading, Default actions etc.
    • Strategic Support Services for Training &Placement:
      The PMU will support the department with various strategic initiatives for improvement of its training & placement which may include state specific strategies for industry partner selection, mobilization strategy, on boarding placement agencies, engagement with various industry bodies etc. The PMU will also support the state in development of various operational protocols and procedures for the successful implementation of the project closure for the projects.
    • Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring and Evaluation services are critical to ensure that the projects are being implemented as per the guidelines. Guidelines and SOP provide various methods and parameters which need to be monitored including physical site inspections of each PIA’s training centers and verify trainings, fund management, placement, beneficiaries, certification and retention. Inspections shall be undertaken as per the SOP in the specific formats of inspection and quality assessment of the centers to be devised. PMU will support in scientific representation of the centres in terms of grading or ranking to be done as well periodically and follow up on the compliances by the PIA and share the reports with Department. The PMU will facilitate monthly, quarterly & Half yearly review of Training Partners and report the same to the Department.
    • Financial Management Support Services: The PMU will provide back-end support to maintain records of expenditure incurred for the programme along with the supporting documents, track expenditure by activity heads. The PMU will help in compiling and preparing consolidated progress reports for the programme related expenditures.
    • Reporting: The PMU shall provide periodic progress report as per the agreed action plan, milestones. The agency will also support in the development of tracking progress of placed candidates. Center wise tracking of the progress of the Training Partners and discuss overall reporting and performance related issues and concerns and create an effective channel where State, and PIAs can jointly discuss the project performance, assistance required from State, issues and concerns and arrive at mutually agreeable solutions.
    • Knowledge Management: The PMU will develop system for knowledge in which it provides the insights for policy management/formulation and documentation of best practices for project operation, financial management and placement linked support mechanism etc. It would also be supporting in the coordination of inter-departmental convergence for the skill eco-system of the state.
    • Training, Assessment & Certification: The PMU is expected to facilitate ToT, conduct refresher trainings, and introduce innovative teaching methodology to improve the overall quality of trained candidates in the state. Also, facilitate the Assessment & Certification Process and coordination with assessing bodies for certification of candidates and course curriculum.
    • Facilitate fund disbursement to training partners through financial and physical performance analysis: Assist State team in disbursement of fund by preparing reports on partners’ performance and compliances. Monitoring the parameters that need to be met before release of installment on monthly basis. Review of documents received from PIAs/SSCs/TPs and verify all required documents have been received and are complete in all aspects. In case of any discrepancies, the PMU will highlight the same to the Department. In case there are any major issues or discrepancies observed in the performance of the PIAs/SSCs/TPs, the PMU team will conduct meetings and discussions with the their representatives to gain an insight into the challenges and report to Department.
  4. Captive Employment: PMU will provide technical, and hand holding support to strengthen the captive employment with active support from state to successfully train them as per the requirement of their own organizational/industry/subsidiaries /operational need and ultimately provide them assured placement. A detailed description of the services, includes but not limited to following:
    • Support in identification of potential, eligible captive employers/industry and facilitate orientation in initial phase in accordance with project guidelines and SoP.
    • Identify vocational training institutes and centres within target regions to the existing infrastructure, and potential to align initiatives with existing schemes and programs offered by the state & central government, and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.
    • Provide support to captive employer/industry in system onboarding and partnership with the State.
    • Support in mobilization of aspirational and serious candidates as per requirement of the captive employer/industry trade and job roles as per guidelines/SoP.
    • Provide support and technical guidance in setup of infrastructure for training center/residential facility and technical guidance with respect to deployment of ToT certified trainers, branding for training areas, assessment & certifications.
    • Provide support and technical guidance in compliance with all guidelines, including reporting requirements.
    • Assist in quality assurance as per project guidelines.
    • Provide technical guidance in and support fund disbursement and entitlements
    • Periodical monitoring of training and other activities.
  5. Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities: The PMU team will conduct a comprehensive Information Education and Communication (IEC) activities& impactful IEC campaigns to enhance community awareness, engagement, and participation in program through innovative and culturally sensitive communication strategies. The key activity under IEC may includes:
    • Awareness through mass media campaigns, content development/poster banners and public announcements etc.
    • Mobilizing community members, conduct meetings with local leaders/influencers/SHGs
    • Digital and Interactive Platforms/social media engagements etc.
    • Preparing success stories and case studies of the beneficiaries who have successfully completed the training and secured employment.
    • Share progress reports with stakeholders to keep them informed about the achievements and challenges of the IEC initiatives.
    • Collaboration with Local Institutions, industries Partner with local educational institutions, vocational training centers, and NGOs to extend the reach of the IEC activities.
    • Engagement with local businesses and industries to create awareness about the training programs and potential employment opportunities.
  6. Job Melas/Placement Drive: The PMU team will support state in organizing Mega Job Fairs and Industry and training partner workshops for improving the job availability and employment options for the youth of Tripura.
    • Organize Job fairs at the District and Block levels
    • Conduct of activities involving youth registration and counselling, assessment of employers, and monitoring of placement outcomes over a one-year period.
  7. Alumni Support: PMU team will support in developing and implementing a Alumni Support Strategy, including periodic Alumni Meets to facilitate experience sharing, networking, and feedback exchange among participants, enabling them to address workplace challenges, offer program improvement suggestions based on employer feedback. Facilitate further skilling opportunities for candidates through convergence and provide mechanisms for career progression.
  8. Capacity Building
    • Develop a comprehensive training calendar based on the analysis of training needs and available resources.
    • Collaborate with relevant certification bodies and industry associations to ensure that the training programs lead to recognized certifications and qualifications.
    • Conduct workshops for SMU staff on readiness for Action Plans, protocols for monitoring projects, use of MIS, audit of training centres etc.
    • Conduct workshops for senior management of PIA, staff at training centres to ensure clarity on how to apply, train, place and how to retain in compliance with protocols, ensure quality of classroom transactions.
    • Preparation of State quarterly and annual action plan.
    • Developing various reporting formats & structure for effective reporting and monitoring of projects on key parameters.
    • Strategy for implementation and key non-negotiable
    • Use of MIS to undertake fortnightly monitoring of PIA performance.

Last Date For Submission: 02 October 2024, 05:30 PM IST