RRB, Ministry of Railway extended date of E-Tender for Engaging Exam Conducting Agency (ECA)

Railway Recruitment Board through this Corrigendum hereby notified that in context to E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI – CEN01-2019-ECA regarding Engaging Exam Conducting Agency (ECA) for conducting multiple stages of Computer Based Test, Computer Based Aptitude/Typing Skill Test, Document Verification and all other related  services in connection with Centralized Employment Notice (CEN) No.01/2019 for Non Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) all over India.

The revised dates for  Release of responses and clarifications on Last date and time for receipt of offers/bids through E-Tender Online and Time and date of opening of Technical bids will be as under:-

Release of responses and clarifications on pre-bid queries : 21.04.2020
Last date and time for receipt of offers/bids through E-Tender Online : 14.00 hrs on 30.04.2020
Time and Date of opening of Technical bids received in response to the TENDER Opening : 15.00 hrs on 30.04.2020
All other terms and conditions of this E-Tender will remain the same.

Chairman / RRB/Chennai

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