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Webinar on “Skill Development: Emergence of Industry 4.0”

November 22, 2020 @ 10:15


With one of the youngest populations in the world, India has most of its population in the working age group, with the trends showing that by 2022 63% of the population will be in the working age group. This immense potential is a tool that India could use in gaining economic strides globally. At the same instance, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is throwing variables into this equation, by disrupting the job markets globally, as businesses are adopting newer and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things etc.

Even in the present scenario, the argument that there might just not be enough supply of jobs to meet the immense inflow of candidates is certainly untrue as there is much evidence against it, such as 40% of the employers’ face trouble in filling positions for skilled roles. This shows the immense gap in the skills needed to fill the available jobs and the lack of it in the incoming workforce. With the immense workforce at its disposal, this skill gap is what needs to be bridged to take advantage of the situation in which India currently finds itself.

Technological advancements have created an impactful spur in changing the global job market. The World Economic Forum (WEF) estimates that by 2022, almost half the companies across the globe will be adopting automation in some form or the other to reduce workforce on the same tasks. As the machines take over the more routine and pattern-based jobs, there is a higher demand for more ‘human’ skills, and skills related to the Industry 4.0 technologies. As per WEF 2018 report, the four specific technological advances—ubiquitous high-speed mobile internet; artificial intelligence; widespread adoption of big data analytics; and cloud technology—are set to dominate the 2018–2022 period as drivers positively affecting business growth. With platforms like SkillsBuild, which is offered by IBM, job seekers, business owners, entrepreneurs and any individual with learning aspirations can now tap into host of industry relevant content, including Artificial intelligence, Cloud, Data analytics and security to re-skill and up-skill themselves, at no cost.

Key Highlights
  • Industry 4.0 – An overview
  • Issues, Challenges & Opportunities of Industry 4.0 in Skill Development
  • Role of 4.0 Technologies for Up-Skilling, Re-Skilling and Skill Development Training program
  • Role and Responsibility of Government and Industry in promoting Industry 4.0 Technologies for Skill Development Training program
  • Emergence of 4.0 Technologies in Skill Development & the way forward

Ms. Sunita Sanghi, Principal Advisor, MSDE
Dr. Anita Gupta, Head, NSTEDB, DST, Ministry of Science and Technology
Dr. M Jayaprakasan, Joint Director, DGT, MSDE
Mr. Venkatesh Sarvasiddhi, Senior Head, Digital Skills and Innovation, NSDC
Mr. Manoj Balachandran, Head CSR, IBM India
Dr. Devraj Singh, Vice president, ESSCI
Mr. Narayanan Ramaswamy, National Leader, Education and Skill Development, KPMG India
Mr. Maninder Singh Nayyar, Co-Chairman, ASSOCHAM

Key Outcomes
  • A perspective of what could be the way forward with the emergence of Industry 4.0 technologies in Skill Development while keeping in mind the future generation of our country.
  • As an output from the webinar, we can compile, summarize and submit the set of recommendations to the concerned Ministries on the basis of the discussions and inputs received during the webinar.


November 22, 2020
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