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Mega Career and Skill Fair 2024

January 5, 2024 @ 09:00 17:00

Edumedha, a social initiative by JIMS is organizing the First Time Mega Career and Skill Fair 2024 for the underprivileged children residing in various Child Care Institutions.

Highlights of the Event:

Award Ceremony

Insightful Sessions

Motivational Sessions

09:00 AM – 10:00 AMRegistration and Tea
10:00 AM – 10:05 AMWelcome Address: Dr. Pooja Jain, JIMS Director
10:05am – 10:15amTheme Address
Event brief and Introduction about Edumedha by Ms. Kalpana Singh, JIMS, Head CSR
10:15am – 10:20amSpecial Address
Chief Guest Mr. Krishan Kumar, Director WCD and Ms. Yogita, Director CPU
10:20 am – 10:30amAchievers Awards Distribution by Chief Guest
The achievers award will be given to students who have triumphed over
challenges following their stay in Child Care Institutions (CCIs). These students are currently excelling in various aspects of their lives, serving as inspirational examples for others living similar stories.
Session 1Motivation: Conquering Adversities
10:30am – 11:00 amMotivation, setting vision and elevate your aspiration

Speaker- Dr Anupama Saxena, Principal Gargi School
Champions Chat – Inspiring Stories from the award-winning achievers

Session Brief:
Children residing in Child Care Institutions often carry the weight of traumatic
pasts, leading them to believe that a disadvantaged future is inevitable. The
absence of guidance and support has unfortunately dampened their enthusiasm
to overcome their challenging circumstances. It is crucial to provide these
children with urgent motivation to help them recognize their equal rights to rise
above adversity and thrive.
Therefore, Ms. Anupama Saxena will help children reshape their perspectives
and foster a belief in their potential for a brighter future through motivational
speech, success stories and through other means that can help children get
motivated towards their education and career paths.

Session Objective:
* Building resilience- To rise above their situations and life adversities.
* Empowerment: Instilling in them that a challenging past does not define their futures.
* Positive role modeling: Encouraging the children through personal experiences of success stories.
* Self-discovery: Help children identify their unique talents, interests and strengths and believe in their capabilities.
11:00 AM – 11:15 AMShort Tea Break
Session 2Career Guidance through the experiences of the field experts themselves
11:15 AM – 12:00 NOONSession Brief:
Due to confinement of the closed walls, children often stick to familiar courses due to a lack of knowledge about various options. This limits their chances of excelling, especially when faced with tough competition and diminishing interest. As a result, they may feel destined for a disadvantaged path. It’s important to widen their horizons by introducing them to a variety of courses. This way, they can make informed choices and pursue what genuinely interests them.

Our distinguished speakers will guide students through presentations and other means to get informed knowledge about diverse courses apart from the regular courses and career options in the job market.

Session Objective:
* Explore diverse career paths: Help children to think out of the box by helping them know about more diverse career choices.
* Informed decision making: Equip children with knowledge insights necessary for making informed career choices.
* Passion and interest identification: Helping them to align their academic and career choices accordingly.
* Networking opportunities: Provide networking opportunities for children to connect with professionals from various fields.

* ITI Technical and Non-technical Courses – Mr. R.P Kathuria, Vice Principal ITI, Deerpur, Delhi
* Knowledge about degree courses – Dr. Sheetal Chadda , JIMS Faculty
* Scholarships for Higher Education – Mr. Ashish Jha, Buddy4Study
* Government Jobs and competitive exams- Mr. Ashok Dutta, Senior faculty, NDRF Academy
Session 3Unlocking Career Excellence: Industry driven, high-quality skill training courses offered by promising leading companies through CSR initiatives
12:00 PM – 01:00 PMPanelists:
* Varalakshami Foundation, GMR: Mr. Jagmohan, Program Manager
* Tech Mahindra Foundation: Ms. Jyotika, Senior Executive
* Hotel Taj: Mr. Sahil
* Bosch India Foundation: Mr. Kaleem, Placement Officer
* Sudhir Foundation: Mr. Ravi, CSR Manager
* Haldi Ram skill academy – Mr. Sandeep, Program Manager
* ICICI Foundation: Ms. Isha Bajaj, Centre In charge

Moderator – Ms. Kalpana Singh, Head CSR JIMS
01:00 PM – 01:40 PMLunch
Session 4Individualized Interactive Sessions Tailored for Each Child (In two parts)
1:40 pm to 4:00 pm“Individualized course consultation”

One-on-One Course Counseling at the stalls: This session will be held in various stalls by field experts where they will be guiding the children to get informed knowledge and explore diverse fields apart from the regular known career options.
1:40pm to 2:25pmHall-2 B-Building 302 – “Stream guidance session for classes 9th and 10th”

Speaker- Ms. Ruchika, Principal M.R Global School

This session will be conducted by Ms. Ruchika, the school principal of M.R Global School. She will be helping students to explore their passion and interest so that they can chose their subjects in class 11th accordingly.

Other Partners

Skill ReporterICICI Skill AcademyTech MahindraGMRTaj Hotel
The CSR UniverseBuddy4StudySudhir FoundationBosch


Edumedha – JIMS CSR Initiative


JIMS Technical Campus

3 Near Rithala Metro Station Rohini Sector 5, Institutional Area
New Delhi, New Delhi 110085 India