Australian Government announced $ 525 million funding to boost to vocational skills funding

The Victorian government has announced a big boost to TAFE funding in its 2018 budget with a focus on upgrading and retooling the skills education system in the state. The budget commits $172 million for tuition-free training for 30 non-apprenticeship courses and 18 course that provide pathways to apprenticeships.

It also includes $303.8 million to create more than 30,000 new training places and $43.8 million to revamp learning materials for apprentices, new independent assessments and the reintroduction of trade papers to recognise qualifications.

Victorian minister for training and skills Gayle Tierney described the announcement as “the biggest overhaul of TAFE, skills and training in Victoria’s history.”

The Chisholm Institute welcomed the budget news with Chisholm CEO Dr Rick Ede stating that the group believed that TAFE should be at the centre of addressing Australia’s skills requirements.

“The Victorian government has rightly put TAFE back at the centre of addressing Australia’s skills requirements in a fast-changing world with its 2018-19 budget.

“We know TAFE is critical in meeting Australia’s skills needs for the emerging jobs in our changing economy as well as filling skill shortages across a range of sectors. “The Victorian budget will significantly help our Victorian TAFEs to lead in this effort.”

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.