Australian Government to spend $110m to re-skill jobless over-50s

Australia : Older workers in Ballarat are set to benefit from a $110 million government plan to re-skill mature-age Australians who are being locked out of the job market. Federal Employment Minister Michaelia Cash announced Ballarat has been chosen as one of five trial sites for the rollout of the career transition assistance program.

“It will provide people over 50 with help searching for and getting jobs, including computer and information technology training. The program, announced in this year’s Budget, is designed to keep older Australians in the workforce for longer. Mature-age Australians bring a lifetime of skills and experience to the workforce,” Senator Cash said.

“It is critical for the individual and for the economy that this experience isn’t lost if older workers find themselves out of work”, she added.

The trial, which starts in July next year, will also include Somerset in Queensland, ­Central West in New South Wales, Adelaide South and Perth North. The program is expected to be rolled out ­nationally in 2020.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.