Call for application from Industry Clusters to implement the Industry Apprenticeship Initiative

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MoSDE) through Directorate General of Training
(DGT) announces the selection of Industry Clusters under the second phase of Skills Strengthening for
Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE) a project by MoSDE which is being jointly funded by Govt. of India
and World Bank. It is an initiative to empower and capacitate MSMEs to participate in formal apprenticeship system through a cluster approach.

Application are invited from all the eligible and interested Industry Clusters (IC) for execution of the project during the project period with a maximum funding of 1crore per IC. The applications are to be submitted on the prescribed format which can be downloaded from the Website of Directorate General of Training and State Directorate of Technical Education. Application forms will all prescribed attachments to be mailed by applicant industry clusters to with a subject of email as “IC application <state name>” for example “IC application Haryana.”

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Applications must be submitted through email only with subject clearly mentioning state name as per above syntax. Once application is emailed, no further changes will be permitted. Applications failing in submitting applications with subject line and all prescribed attachments will not be considered for evaluation by the respective State Cluster Evaluation Committee (SCEC). Queries related to application submission will be addressed by State Apprenticeship Advisors concerned.

Please download the eligibility criteria and application formats from and view  Video Tutorial for how to prepare application form with fill specimen application is also available at DGT website. Last date of sending applications is 30th July 2020.

Refer SkillReporter ( for skill development and The Edupress ( ) for education related important News, Tenders, RFP, Jobs, EOI, Events, Announcements, Circulars, Notices and other useful updates. Content also shared on Facebook Twitter Linkedin