The National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) is an autonomous body of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, which is mandated to coordinate and harmonize the skill development efforts of the Government and the private sector to achieve the skilling targets of the 12th Plan and beyond with an endeavour to bridge the social, regional, gender and economic divide.
Functions of NSDA include the below:
- Operationalize and implement National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)
- Establish and operationalize a QA framework embedded in NSQF to improve consistency of outcomes in the skills landscape, which will include laying down a framework for training, Assessment and certification processes and agencies in the country.
- Operationalize National Skills Qualification Committee (NSQC) to meet its objectives
- Design and implement the National Labour Market Information System
- Develop national protocols for registration and accreditation of private training providers.
- Promote use of ‘Skill India’ logo on skill certificates by SSCs/Agencies adhering to the QA framework.
- Anchor Prime Minister’s Skill Development Fellow Programme
- National Skill Research Division would also be set up under the NSDA to serve as the apex division for providing technical and research support to the National Skill Development Mission
National Skill Development Agency through its advertisement F.No. 20001/01/2015-NSDA/855 intends to hire Consultants and Senior Consultants for various projects and related functions. Details relevant to recruitment are as under
1. Procedure and Guidelines for engagement of Consultants/Senior Consultants in NSDA
In partial modification of guidelines on the above mentioned subjects issued vide no. B-12016/08/2015-SDE dated 03.05.2015, the following guidelines and procedures are being prescribed for Consultants/Senior Consultants to be hence forth engage in NSDA until such time as these guidelines are amended or new guidelines issued. These guidelines will come into effect from the date of issue.
1.1 It is essential to have the consultants who possess the requisite skill set. The consultants will be expected to deliver in such areas wherein house expertise is not readily available within the framework of NSDA. They should be high quality professionals capable of landing their expertise in the field such as economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning and infrastructure as per the requirement of NSDA.
General conditions for engaging consultants:
2.1 Consultants will be engaged for a fixed period for providing high quality services on specific projects.
2.2 Professionals with requisite qualification and experience as prescribed would be hired as Consultants. Retired Government employees with relevant experience would also be eligible for selection as Consultants,
2.3 The initial tenure of Engagement for a person as Consultant would be upto 3 years. Extension beyond three years will be considered under exception circumstances with the approval of Chairman, NSDA.
2.4 Consultants may be appointed on part-time or full time basis. Consultants appointed on full-time basis would not be permitted to take up any other assignment during the period of Consultancy with NSDA.
2.5 The appointment of Consultants is of a temporary nature and the NSDA can cancel the appointment at any time without providing any reason for it.
2.6 Part-time consultants will be appointment subject to the condition that they face no conflict of interest with respect to the work they are handling in NSDA.
3. Number of Consultants :
The total number of Consultants to be engaged by NSDA under the plan scheme shall depend on the actual requirement at a particular point of time.
4. Qualifications and experience :
4.1 Consultants should be professionals having a B.Tech/B.E./Master’s/Ph.D Degree in the relevant subject with minimum post-qualification experience as prescribed in Table 1 below in the requisite field. The work experience may be relaxed in exceptional cases in respect of deserving candidates. For post qualification experience, the competent authority may consider some credit for period devoted to undertake Ph.D in comparison to Non Ph.D Candidate such as 2-3 years experience relaxation for Ph.D candidates.
4.2 Retired Government employees with grade pay of Rs. 7600 (pre-revised) and above or level 12 in the Pay Matrix, having experience of 5 years in the required domain field would also be eligible for the position.
4.3 Hiring criteria may be further defined for specific positions depending on the specific requirements and circumstances.
5. Procedure for selection:
(i) The selection of Consultants shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in GFR 2005 Rule 163,165,166,170 & 177 and Chapter 7 – Selection of Individual Consultants (para 1.21, para 7.1 and para 7.2) of Manual of Policies and Procedure of Employment of consultants.
(ii) The requirement of NSDA will be advertised from time to time on the website as well in at least one newspaper.
(iii)The applications received shall be placed before screening committee headed by Officer of the level of Chairman. (See para 9)
(iv) Shortlisted applicants shall be placed before a Consultancy Evaluation Committee headed by DG, NSDA (See para 9)
(v) The committee shall prepare a panel of 3 names per vacancy which will include 2 persons in the waiting list. The panel would be valid for a period of one year.
(vi) In certain exceptional cases, with the approval of the Chairman, NSDA selection from a single sources as per GFR may also be considered. However, full justification for this must be given by the Consultancy Evaluation Committee.
(vii) NSDA may also hire consultants on secondment basis under Rule 176 of GFR, 2005 from establishment Research Organizations e.g. NIPFP, IEG, NCAER, Universities, Educational Institutes, including butb not limited to IITs, IIMs, AIIMS and other Research Institutions like ICAR, PSUs and Government Organizations. In exceptional cases individuals can also be hired on secondment basis from Private Institutions / Organizations / Think Tank like ICRIER, FICCI, CII, Centre for Policy Research with the approval of Chairman.
(viii)This engagement will be based on payment of such monthly sum to the parent employers as would cover the cost of salary and other allowances due to the selected individual and additional expenditure in terms of approve of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
6. Entitlements of Consultants:
(i) The full-time candidates will be paid a monthly consolidated remuneration as per Table1. In case of retired Government Servants, the remuneration shall be as per prevailing DoPT norms.
(ii) The consultants will not be eligible for Government Accommodation or House Rent Allowance, CGHS facility etc.
(iii) The full-time Consultants will however be eligible for official email id, government identification card, internet connection, telephone, office with standard equipment, Library facility, etc.
(iv) Emoluments of Prt-time Consultants will be decided on case-by-case basis.
Remuneration Range in Rs. Lakhs Per Month will be as under
0-05 Years -> 0.3-1.0 Lakh per month
5-10 Years -> 0.5-2.5 Lakh per month
10+ Years -> 1.7-5.0 Lakh per month
(v) Based on the above, CEC headed by DG, NSDA shall recommend the initial remuneration and re-look at their remuneration annually and this package may not be revised to the disadvantage of the Consultant.
7. TA/DA:
The Consultants shall be allowed to undertake domestic/foreign tours as required by their duties for which TA DA and Hotel Accommodation shall be paid as admissible to the Central Government employees drawing grade pay of Rs. 7,600 (pre-revised) or Level 12 in Pay Matrix for Category No. 1, Grade Pay of Rs. 8,700 (pre-revised) or Level 14 in the Pay Matrix for Category No.3 Tours will be subject to approval of the Competent Authority.
8. Leave:
The Consultants shall be entitled to leave of 8 days in a year on pro-rata basis. Additional leave without pay would be permitted upon approval by the reporting officer.
9. Screening Committee & Consultancy Evaluation Committee (CEC):
The composition of the Screening Committee for shortlisting of applications [ref. Para 5(iii)] and composition of the Consultancy Evaluation Committee [ref. Para 5(iv)] and the final approving authority are as under :
Screening Committee for shortlisting the applications : Chairman, NSDA and 2 experts nominated by Chairman, NSDA
Consultancy Evaluation Committee* for selecting the candidates:
JS & FA or Representative of JS & FA
JS (Admn) or Representative of JS (Admin)
A Member to be nominated by DG,NSDA
*The CEC may include an outside expert on case to case basis.
10. Conflict of Interest:
The Consultant shall be expected to follow all the rules and regulations of the Government of India as applicable Group ‘A’ officers which are in force. He/she will be expected to display utmost honesty, secrecy of office and sincerity while discharging his/her duties. In case the services of the Consultants are not found satisfactory or found in conflict with the interest of the Government, his/her services will be liable for discontinuation without assigning any reason.
11. Termination Notice :
The NSDA can cancel the appointment at any time without providing any reason for it. However, in the normal course it will provide one month’s notice to the Consultant. The Consultant can also seek for termination of the Contract upon giving one month’s notice to the NSDA.
12. Relaxation :
Under exceptional circumstances and in the case of meritorious candidates the above guidelines may be relaxed with the approval of Chairman, NSDA.
13. Verification:
The Police verification of the Consultants shall be done as per the latest instructions issued by MHA.
14. The Consultant shall not, except with the previous sanction of NSDA or in the bonafied discharge of his her duties, publish a book or a compilation of articles or participate in radio broadcast or contribute and article or write a letter in any newspapers or periodical either in his own name or anonymously or pseudonymous in the name of any other person, if such book, article, broadcast or letter relates to subject matter assigned to him by NSDA.
15. Consultants engaged under the guidelines dated 03.06.2015 issued by M/o Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, shall continue to be governed by the terms and conditions of the guidelines dated 30.06.2015 of MSDE.
16. This issues with the concurrence of DG, NSDA vide Dy. No. 3819 dated 30.07.2018 and approval by Chairman, NSDA.
How to Apply:
Interested candidate may send their curriculum vitae (CV) in the enclosed format ( Click Hire to download ) by 31st August 2018 to below address, super scribing the envelope as Application for Consultant / Senior Consultant.
Director General
National Skill Development Agency
Kaushal Bhawan
B-2 Pusa Road
New Delhi-110005