FICCI CoE organized Webinar on Impact of COVID-19 on Career Advisory Services

FICCI Center of Excellence for Career Counselling along with National Career Service, Ministry of Labor
and Employment organized a Webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on Career Advisory Services” on 20th July. The objective of this webinar was to discuss the impact and changes in the career guidance and counselling systems because of the pandemic.

The session was delivered jointly by the experts from Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India , Gautam Buddha University, International Labour Organization (ILO) , Apollo Med Skills Ltd and FICCI.

Shri S.B. Singh , DDG, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India , delivered the opening remarks wherein he touched upon the variety of employment services provided by the National Career Service on it’s 6th year anniversary. He encouraged youth to take maximum benefit of all the services which are offered by the GOI’s NCS portal.

Dr BP Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Gautam Buddha University stressed on the importance of domestic manufacturing and how India should transition from Make in India to Made by India goods & services. He said “In the times to come, India would be original equipment manufacturer of the world & we need to prepare our youth for that. Post COVID, we would need to develop homegrown technologies to add downstream value chain in all sectors”.

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Mr Michael Mwasikakata, Head Labour Market Services for Transitions Unit Employment and Labour Market Policies ,International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva shared a lot of insightful data. He shared that ILO is doing a lot of research to follow up on the impact of COVID on the labor market. 93% of workers in the world and close to 3.3 Billion people have been impacted by the pandemic and this has resulted in loss of work hours. In turn resulting to 155 Million job losses across the world in the month of April only especially of the informal workers which are close to 2 Billion worldwide. With respect to India, he shared that close to 364 – 428 Million workers have been effected directly or indirectly. Sectors like accommodation and food services, manufacturing and trade have suffered tremendously. Women and youth have been severely impacted. The pandemic has caused disruption in their education, training and employment. It was interesting to know about the ILO and World Association of Public Employment Services conducted across 72 nations to understand how job-seekers and employers are dealing with the pandemic.

Mr Vishal Sinha , Head -Business Development, Apollo Med Skills Ltd , shared valuable insights on new job roles that are expected to be created in e-commerce, online delivery services, health care services, tele medicines, research and pharma. Technological skills like Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, Digital marketing, Cybersecurity, Graphic Designing, Web designing, App development and Data analytics are going to be the emerging skills. Also, skills like Communication skills, time management, work ethics, Conflict resolution , Adaptability to new normal will be what the recruiters will be seeking during hiring.

In the Webinar, apart from future employability and career advisory trends, participants were also sensitized with the upcoming FICCI Center Of Excellence for Career Counselling’s programs :- MAN O BHAV which will help students with their career related worries , Employability enhancement workshop STEP UP and Mega Virtual Job Fair in collaboration with National Career Service and Gautam Buddha University.