The Government of Haryana passed an Act 25 of 2016 to establish and incorporate a Skill University in the State to facilitate and promote skill, entrepreneurship development, skill based education and research in the emerging areas of various sectors and to raise skill level in various fields related to these areas and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University, as a strategy, will pursue the dual vocational education model where the selected students will be offered to pursue their higher education in an integrated work and study model. The entire work study will be designed in line with the requirements of the National Skill Qualification Frame work (NSQF). The selected candidates will serve in industry integrated program across different locations of the State with flexible timings aligned to the requirements of the classes.
University invites applications from suitable candidates with industry experience (preferred) on a prescribed form for multiple positions on contract basis.
Interested candidates will be required to send their application in the prescribed format through speed post/ registered post to The Registrar, Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University at Transit office- Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Plot No.76, Room No. 202, 2nd floor , HIPA Complex, Sector-18, Gurugram, Haryana 122001
Type of Job: Contractual/Deputation
Last date to apply: 15 November 2017, 1700 hours (05:00 PM)
For complete post-wise job description and application format, refer Jobs_Multiple Positions_HVSU
Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.