Odisha outperformed in India Skills East Competition, bagged highest number of gold and silver medals

Bhubaneswar: Odisha dominated the eastern region competition of the India Skills, 2021, held in Patna, winning 23 gold and 20 silver medals, an official release said.

A contingent of 85 participants took part in 39 skills. The results of the competition were declared in Patna on Saturday and 43 youths of Odisha emerged with flying colours.

Walkover was also given to Odisha’s competitors in six skills.

Women of Odisha have won medals in skills, such as welding, painting and decorating, the release said.

Fifty-nine competitors, including 13 women, will now be competing at the India Skills competition, which will be held in Bengaluru in December.

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The winners of the India Skills competition will go on to compete in the World Skills competition, to be held in Shanghai, China.

A total of 245 youth from eight states from the east and the Northeast participated in the competition, organised by the National Skill Development Corporation. Bihar Governor Phagu Chauhan presided over the prize distribution ceremony.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik expressed happiness and exhorted the winners to continue with their hard work to bring laurels to the state and the country.

Odisha Skill Development Authority chairperson Subroto Bagchi and Skill Development Minister Premanand Nayak have also congratulated the winners.