Odisha Skill Development Authority invites proposals to provide consultancy services as TSA

Bhubaneswar : This is with reference to Request for Proposal (RFP No. OSDA/PMKVY/TSA/2/2018) floated by Odisha Skill Development Authority, Bhubaneswar for hiring of Technical Support Agency under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) 2.0; we are herewith inviting proposals from the reputed agencies to provide consulting services. The detailed RFP is available at Business Section in www.SkillReporter.com (Click Here to Download) or https://empmissionodisha.gov.in/Exchange/tender.jsp, which can be downloaded.

The duration of the engagement will be for period of 3 (three) years with renewal each year on satisfactory performance reviewed by the client and continuation of the Scheme.

A firm will be selected under the least cost method (L-1) among the technically qualified bids and having scored the minimum qualifying marks as per details in the given later part of this RFP. It is not permissible to transfer this RFP invitation to any other firm.

The Agency shall submit a signed and complete Proposal comprising the documents and forms. The submission can be made by speed post or by dropping the full proposal in the tender box.

The RFP includes the following documents:
Section 1 – Letter of Invitation
Section 2 – Instructions to Agency and Data Sheet
Section 3 – Technical Proposal (FTP) – Standard Forms
Section 4 – Financial Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 5 – Terms of Reference

The signed Proposal shall be marked “ORIGINAL”, and its copies marked “COPY” as appropriate. The number of copies is indicated in the Data Sheet. All copies shall be made from the signed original. If there are discrepancies between the original and the copies, the original shall prevail.

An EMD, in the given format, shall be placed in a separate envelope clearly marked “EMD, Project Management Support to Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA)”, reference number, name and address of the Agency. Unless the EMD is submitted, the Technical Proposal shall not be considered.

The original and all the copies of the Technical Proposal shall be placed inside of a sealed envelope clearly marked “Technical Proposal, Project Management Support to Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA)”, reference number, name and address of the Agency, and with a warning “Do Not Open until [insert the date and the time of the Technical Proposal submission deadline].”

Refer RFP Document ( Click Here to Download ) . The last date for submission of response to proposal is 22 Dec 2018 (1 pm).

Incomplete Offers/ proposals or those received after specified time and date or not fulfilling the specified requirement will not be considered.

Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Patil, IAS
Director of Employment cum CEO, OSDA
NiyojanBhawan, Unit- III,
Bhubaneswar, 751001, Odisha

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