Career guidance enables participants to enhance their capacities in improving, planning and implementing career guidance services, significantly increasing the chances for success and fulfillment in their professional life and at the same time avoiding the waste of human talent and resources through bad career choices. It is widely acknowledged that career guidance is beneficial not only for the individual’s empowerment and choices for the future, but also contributes to achieving public policy goals in the labour market, as well as to a more pertinent and effective education and vocational training system. With this in mind, the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO), in collaboration with the European Training Foundation (ETF) is offering a joint training and knowledge-sharing course on career guidance policies and practices; course will be held on Monday, 13 June 2016 – Friday, 17 June 2016 in Turin, Italy.
This course targets primarily planners and policy makers in developing and emerging economies. It addresses both experts and technical staff working in the field of employment as well as professionals working in the education/training sector, notably:
-Employment, TVET and education planners and counselors at national, regional and local governmental levels
-Leaders in guidance professional societies and unions
-Representatives of employers and workers’ organizations involved in education decision making and TVET
-Members of Boards of Trustees of educational and training institutions and bodies, or similar committees
-Staff of public and private employment services, job centres, schools, vocational training centres and other institutions working in the area of career guidance.
For details, visit Career guidance policy and practice