Notice – Last Date Extended for RFP by NULM

Your attention is invited to the Request for Proposal i.e. Online RFP Ref. No.10101, dated 23/06/2021, (Tender ID: 2021_UAD_148204_1). The following changes with regards to dates have been made vide Notice No. Branch 9/DAY-NULM/EST&P/2021/ Dated 30/06/2021:

1 Proposal Submission starts (Old Date:  01/07/2021, 10:00 am -> New Date:  05/07/2021, 11.00 am Monday)
2 Last Date of Submission (Old Date: 07/07/2021, 06.00 pm  -> New Date: 12/07/2021, 10.00 am
Monday )
3 Date of Presentation by Applicants (Old Date: 14-15-16/07/2021 ->  New Date: 19 to 23/07/2021 Monday to Friday )
4 Start of Work (Old Date: 02/08/2021 ->  New Date: 09/08/2021)

All other details will remain the same. For original RFP, refer previous post in this regard or Click Here

Directorate of Urban Administration and Development
Government of Madhya Pradesh
Palika Bhawan, 6 no. Bus Stop. Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal

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