New Delhi: This is with reference to OM (F.No. SDI-23/2/2020-SNP) dated 10th Sep’2020 where it was mentioned that training may be resumed from 21st September’20 subject to compliance of SOP approved by MoHFW.
Also, OM [F. No. B-12011/01/2016-SDE (Part ll)] dated 17th Aug’20 mentions that all the trainings orientations should start/resume within 30 days from the opening of training centers (TCs).
In view of the directives issued through above mentioned OMs, all training centers are supposed to restart
training latest by 20th Oct’20. To authenticate start of training, training providers (TPs) must confirm restart of ongoing batches by clicking on clickwrap functionality in SIP by editing the batch.
In case, NSDC didn’t get any confirmation from TPs on restart of the batches by 20th Oct’20 then all unconfirmed batches may get cancelled in SIP.
Note: This notification is not applicable for states Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Kerala, Maharashtra, and West Bengal. Training module will resume in these states after formal notification / order is issued by concerned States Authorities to reopen training centers.
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