Chandigarh police to train school dropouts to help them find jobs

Chandigarh : Concerned about the growing involvement of unemployed youth in petty criminal activities such as snatching and carjacking,Chandigarh police have decided to create job avenues for school dropouts by providing them with employable skills training.

DGP Sanjay Baniwal, who is the brainchild behind the idea, has instructed Chandigarh deputy superintendents of police (DSPs) to prepare the lists of school dropouts, between the age group of 18 to 25.

Giving details, DGP Sanjay Baniwal said, “This programme will help the police reconnect with the youngsters, who are the future of India. The main objective of the project is to bring hope for the youth who are involved in criminal activities. We want to empower the youth by providing them with a way to live dignified life. I believe it will further help in the development of the country”.

A police official, requesting anonymity, said, “There are so many vocational courses and skills which can help provide employment to the semi-literate youth. Training could be provided in various trades such as data entry, food and beverage preparation, beauticians and health, hospital attendants, mechanics and electrician.”

“In each sub-division, one multi-skill development training centre would be set up. The police will also help the trained youth in securing employment”, the police official said.

“The trainers and funding for the training will be taken from the Prime Minister’s skill development programme. The programme is expected to be launched next week,” the police official added.

As per the information, training will be provided for four to five months. The police will also conduct interviews of the people, who will register themselves in the programme, to cross-examine the genuine cases.

The people, who will be provided with the training, will only be released from the jail after they land a job opportunity, a police official said.

Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.