Skill Development Corporation to train specially-abled persons in Himachal Pradesh: Labor & Employment Minister

Specially-abled persons are an integral part of society and have special abilities which needed to be harnessed in a right perspective to bring them into mainstream; Technical Education, Labor & Employment and Industries Minister Bikram Singh stated this while addressing ‘Nav Dhaarana’ workshop organized for specially abled persons by HP Kaushal Vikas Nigam.

Bikram Singh said that Himachal Pradesh Skill Development Corporation is implementing Himachal Pradesh Skill Development Project through Asian Development Bank in collaboration with the Government of India. Under the project there was a mandate to provide training to 2000 specially abled persons and provide them employment opportunities.

The Minister said that there are 1.55 lakh persons with special abilities in the State and 90,000 had been issued disability certificates. He said that apart from the state, various industrial training institutions (ITIs) were providing training to 200 such persons in different trades to make them employable.

Technical Education Minister said that it was the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to give specially abled persons a respectful life thereby passed PwD Act, 2016 which provides equal opportunities to these people besides arrangement of vocational training to make them employable and providing five percent reservation in jobs. He said that concerned departments will have to make sincere efforts in collaboration with NGOs and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).

The Minister said that convergence of departments especially Education, Health, Social Justice and Empowerment and Industries was extremely essential. He said that we all can bring changes to enable them living a respectable life. He emphasized the need to create awareness in the society so that every eligible person could be benefitted. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) should be given special attention, he added.

He also visited exhibitions put up by NGOs like Abhi, Chinmaya Cord and Chetna associated with specially abled persons.

Special Guest and founder of NGO ‘Chetna’ Mallika Nadda said that PwD Act encourages and protects the rights of specially abled persons. She said 21 types of disabilities had been included in the Act. She said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set up Skill Council for specially abled persons under Skill India. Mainly four types of disabilities were given focus. She emphasized establishment of a Modern Center of Excellence in the state and said that there should be proper arrangement of skill training in the hilly state. She urged for issuing unique identity cards for these persons.

Managing Director of HP Kaushal Vikas Nigam Hans Raj Sharma welcomed and highlighted the activities of the corporation in the state. He said that there are 2.6 crore specially abled persons in the country and 45 percent were illiterate and their skill development was a big challenge.

Joint Director SOMA Robin George, Asian Development Bank Representative Akhilesh Samyal, Sanjaya Pradhan from NSDC, Dr. Niharika from SCPwD, Founder of Sai Self Committee New Delhi, Meira Bhatia also gave their presentations on various aspects related to the people with special abilities on this occasion.