Mumbai : Maharashtra government, in a bid to promote non-agricultural universities to start new colleges and courses in tune with a focus on skill development, on Monday formed 11-member committee. The committee is headed by KB Patil, former Vice-Chancellor of the North Maharashtra University. It will examine the five-year perspective plan prepared by the universities. These public universities are mandated to come up with their individual perspective plan as per the provisions of the Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016.
These universities, while launching new courses and colleges, are expected to pay adequate attention on equity consideration whereby all sections of the society will get an equitable access and opportunity for higher and technical education.
Officer from the state’s higher and technical education said, “All these non-agricultural universities have already prepared their own perspective plan. The committee headed by Patil will look into the features of the perspective plan and make further recommendations.” The committee will have powers to select the sites of new colleges and institutes being proposed by these universities and suggest changes in that.
These universities are expected to soon submit their perspective plan to a commission headed by the former member of the Planning Commission, Dr Narendra Jadhav.
Dr Bhalchandra Mungekar, former Vice-Chancellor of the Mumbai University and former member of the Planning Commission said the guiding principles of the perspective plan should be to increase access to higher and technical education with equity consideration, rise in gross enrollment ratio to the level of 35 to 40% in next five years and excellence and quality of education.
“In view of the declining standard of the universities, a primary consideration should be given to quality which will enable students to compete globally. Growing Indian economy will need skilled labour on a sustainable basis with optimum skill mix to satisfy the diverse sectors of the economy. This will ensure higher growth and productivity and employment generation,” Dr Mungekar said.
Dr Rajan Velukar, former vice chancellor of the Mumbai University said the basic idea of the Perspective Plan is to understand the demand and supply ratio of that particular region and also take into account the changing environment globally. ”The Public Universities are expected to provide opportunities to the aspiring students by offering new courses,” he said.
Note: News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.