72 lakh trained but only 15 lakh got jobs under Skill India Mission, Telangana tops

Out of nearly 72 lakh people trained under the Centre’s ambitious Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), 15.23 lakh (21 per cent) got placements. The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is implementing the flagship scheme PMKVY, launched in 2015, under the Skill India Mission.

The scheme is aimed at providing employable skills to the youth. The Ministry had informed the Rajya Sabha last week that under PMKVY 1.0, 19.85 lakh candidates were trained, out of which 2.62 lakh ( 13.23 per cent) got placements. PMKVY 2.0 (2016-2020) was launched in October 2016 and by June 2019 about 52.12 lakh candidates have received training and 12.60 lakh (24.18 per cent) have got jobs.

Telangana tops

Telangana tops the list when it comes to placement of trained candidates. The State has reported 29 per cent placements, followed by Haryana, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh reporting 28 per cent each. Tamil Nadu reported 26 per cent, while Kerala and Maharashtra reported 10 per cent. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of trained candidates (10,65,739), but has recorded just 20 per cent placements.

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The government-supported studies have estimated an incremental human resource requirement of 103.4 million during 2017-2022 across various sectors. Answering the question on the number of people trained, employment opportunities created due to the initiatives and proposed employment opportunities, Union Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Mahendra Nath Pandey told the House in a written reply that the PMKVY 2.0 (2016-2020) mandates training providers (TPs) to facilitate placements of certified candidates.

TPs need to organise placement/rozgar melas every six months with the support of Sector Skill Councils. They will also ensure the participation of local industry and build awareness in youth. The National Skill Development Corporation, a PPP (public-private partnership) company under the Ministry, has also empanelled placement partners to ensure opportunities to PMKVY-certified candidates, who are not placed by TPs, within 90 days from date of certification.

Under the Skill India Mission, the government is implementing various schemes for imparting employable skills to the youth through short-term and long-term training. There are more than 20 central ministries/departments running schemes/programmes. PMKVY 2.0 has a target to provide skilling to one crore people under short-term training (STT), recognition of prior learning (RPL) and a special project (SP) across the country over four years (2016-2020).

Note : News shared for public awareness with reference from the information provided at online news portals.