QSEC Australia partnered with CEMCA to conduct workshop on building a model for vocational leadership in India

This week a group of Australian Training Providers, QSEC Australia, partnered with the Commonwealth Education Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) to conduct a workshop on building a model for vocational leadership in India.

QSEC Australia is a group of high performing Registered Training Organizations (RTOs), based in Queensland, Australia. The Consortium was established to deliver a wide range of high quality programs that impact positively on the lives of job seekers in India. The primary focus of the Consortium is to deliver industry relevant skills programs that lead to employment.

CEMCA is an intergovernmental international organization committed to the cause of “Learning for Sustainable Development”. CEMCA, the only regional office of Commonwealth of Learning head quartered in Canada, works through its partners in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in the areas of formal, informal and non-formal learning by using suitable media and technology.

The workshop was facilitated by Ms Sarojni Choy, Associate Professor School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University. The select group of participants represented a unique cross section of the skills ecosystem in India including Government Officials, Industry Associations, Sector Skill Councils (SSCs), Consulting Firms, Think Tanks, Training Organizations, Universities and many others.

The session was designed as a conversation starter, for a topic which is currently in a nascent stage in the ecosystem. Whilst much focus is given to making skills aspiration for the learner, very little time is spent identifying how to attract, retain and grow the best talent to teach the future workforce.

During the workshop participants discussed vocational models from around the world, including Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, Germany and others, along with how to engage industry in the professional development of trainers & assessors and how to build aspirational career pathways for professionals in the sector, amongst other things.

The parties agreed to take the conversation forward and are planning additional workshops and round-tables around India to engage a wider audience and begin to identify detailed solutions in this space.

During the workshop participants were joined by special guest, Prof. Ashok Ogra, Director AIMC for the formal launch of CEMCA’s latest product “A MOOC for Life Skills for Engineers”. The MOOC is designed to develop the much needed skill set amongst young engineers whilst also being a tool which can help engineering trainers to grow their own skills. The program is free and available online, having already achieved more than 3,000 enrolments.